Car Accidents Articles

Colorado Springs Personal Injury Law Firm

Do Most Car Accident Cases Go To Court?

Car Accident Lawsuits An car accident drastically alters a person's life. A person may be confined to their house while healing from their injury. They are unable to work, yet the costs continue to mount. Their lives have devolved into a never-ending slew of medical...

How to Dispute Car Accident Fault

I was Not At-Fault for the Car Accident There's a lot of tension to cope with after any car accident, even if it's a little one. One of the most difficult issues you'll face is determining culpability. In certain circumstances, the problem is obvious. For example, if...

The Growing Problem With Road Rage

Best Colorado Springs Car Accident Law Firm CAR ACCIDENTS CAUSED BY ROAD RAGE IN COLORADO Almost everyone has been angry on the road at one time or another. Anything might cause unanticipated frustration: being cut off by another motorist, being forced to wait behind...

Can You Sue If Someone Hits Your Car?

Can I File a Car Accident Lawsuit Against the At-fault Driver? If another driver strikes you, you may not immediately consider filing a lawsuit against the at-fault driver to seek compensation for your losses and damages. However, if these crashes result in...

Family Travel Safety

SAFEGUARDING YOUR FAMILY FROM POTENTIAL INJURY Traveling with your family is a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time together. Family holidays provide a much-needed change of scenery and an opportunity to bond with one another away from the stresses of daily...

Keeping Teen Drivers Safe

How Do I make My Teenager a Safe Driver? Car accidents are the leading cause of mortality among American youth. Congress created National Teen Driver Safety Week in October 2007 to raise awareness and seek solutions for a tragically chronic issue. What if I told...

Colorado Law: Texting and Driving

Colorado Springs Car Accident Law Firm Cell phones and other portable handheld gadgets have hugely influenced driving in the United States. These gadgets, which are no longer considered a luxury but rather a need, are constantly at your fingertips, ready to offer you...