Colorado Springs Brain Accident Lawyers
Lawyer Questions
Brain Injury Claims
- Claim Overview
- Compensation
- Concussion Claim
- How to Make a Claim
- How to Prove a Case
- TBI Lawsuits
- How We Win
- TBI Claim Value
TBI Information
- Levels of Severity
- Types of Head Injuries
- Types of Brain Injuries
- How Long is Recovery?
- Recovery and Rehab
- Brain Stem Injuries
- What to do After a TBI
TBI Symptoms
Brain Injury Accidents in Colorado Springs
Experienced Law Firm for Car Accidents in Colorado Springs
In the event of a brain injury in Colorado Springs, you may be able to get compensation to cover the costs of your medical care and the impact on your quality of life.
At Warrior Law, our Colorado Springs brain injury attorneys can assist you in navigating the personal injury claims process and securing the compensation you deserve. If you’re interested in learning more about how we evaluate these claims, feel free to contact our office for a no-cost consultation.
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Colorado Springs Brain Injuries
Yahoo! Lifestyle recently published an article by a woman who had a second traumatic brain injury after a car accident fourteen months earlier. The injury was modest compared to the moderate injury she had suffered 22 years before, and she did not need to be taken to the hospital. Within a week, she was back at work. Her life was forever altered, no matter how little the injury was.
Aside from the occasional nighttime nap, she’s been able to sleep at 6:30 pm for almost 14 months now. The time she spends conducting errands or conversing with others outside the house must be strictly limited. A panic attack can strike her at any time.
She quit her job because she couldn’t keep up with the demands of her position. Despite using the same codes for years, she still had trouble recalling her house alarm code. She had difficulty remembering how to return to her house from places she usually visited. She was powerless in the face of her feelings.
There are more than 2 million emergency room visits per year, 223,000 hospitalizations, and more than 64,000 deaths attributed to brain injuries in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Free Consultation
What Exactly Is a Traumatic Brain Injuries??
The Colorado Springs General Hospital explains that a traumatic brain injury damages the brain. A rapid or strong blow to the head can cause bruising, swelling, bleeding, or shredding of brain tissue, resulting in this type of injury. Mild to severe brain injuries can produce symptoms immediately, or they can take days or weeks to appear.
Mild brain injuries can cause symptoms such as:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- Sleepiness
- Changes in behavior or mood
- Light-sensitivity
More serious brain damage may cause the following symptoms:
- Seizures
- Vomiting
- Slurred language
- Pupil dilation can occur in one or both eyes.
- Coma
- Vegetative or minimally conscious states of consciousness, for example.
- Neuroimaging findings that show up in a patient’s results.
What Are the Most Common Ways That Brain Injuries Are Inflicted?
According to the CDC, falls are the main cause of traumatic brain injuries that necessitate a trip to the ER, accounting for roughly half of such injuries.
Adults 65 and older and youngsters 0 to 17 years old are the most vulnerable to fall-related brain injuries. Motor vehicle accidents are the second most common cause of brain injuries, accounting for approximately one in five brain injuries.
Car accidents are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries in those between the ages of 15 and 34.
The following other factors can also cause brain damage:
- Being hit by or smashed by an object
- In-Zour-face athletics
- Vicious deeds such as being shot or slashed
- Non-traumatic brain injuries can also be caused by:
- Lack of oxygen, such as in a near-drowning occurrence, choking, or certain birth traumas.
- Shock to the system
- Neurotoxic poisoning, such as exposure to carbon monoxide or lead.
How Do Traumatic Brain Injuries Affect People in the Long Term?
Although the brain is divided into various functioning parts, the brain’s capacity for self-healing is quite limited. Damage to any of these functional regions may result in long-term or permanent difficulties to the functions that the section of the brain that was affected controls.
Following damage to the functional areas indicated below, some of the following problems may occur:
- In the frontal lobe, processes such as self-monitoring, organization, expressive language, knowledge of abilities and limitations, and inhibition of behavior and personality are all controlled by this section. Someone who has suffered an injury to this part of the brain may have trouble controlling their emotions and behavior, recalling events, or speaking.
- The temporal lobe controls memory, receptive language (the ability to understand what is being said), sequencing, hearing, and organizing. Temporal lobe damage can lead to communication and memory problems.
- These include the senses of touch and depth perception, color and shape recognition, and visual perception in the parietal lobe. Damage to this brain area could lead to problems with one’s five senses.
- Vision is the primary function of the occipital lobe. Damage to the occipital lobe might impair a person’s ability to discern the size and form of objects.
- “Balancing” and “coordination,” as well as “skilled movement,” are all controlled by the cerebellum. When this area of the brain is damaged, it can lead to issues with coordination and balance.
- The brain stem’s functions control arousal, awareness, and the individual’s sleep and wake cycles. People who have suffered brain stem damage are often unable to perform involuntary actions that are vital to their life.
Both the left and right sides of the brain, in addition to these regions, have significant functions that can be disrupted by the injury and result in the following complications:
Organization, accuracy, and logical reasoning are characteristics of the left side of the brain. Symptoms of left-brain injuries include:
- Language and speech issues.
- Sadness or anxiety.
- Impaired logic.
- Sequencing difficulties.
- Difficulty directing the movement of the right side of the body.
Creative, intuitive, compassionate, and symbolic thinking are controlled by the brain’s right side. Visual-spatial impairment, visual memory deficiencies, changed creativity and music perception, loss of “big picture” thinking, and the capacity to control left-side body movement are all possible outcomes of injuries to the right side of the brain.
Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Subsequent Complications
People who have suffered a brain injury may also have to deal with secondary and primary consequences. Some examples of secondary complications are:
- Edema is a condition that can lead to more brain injury if left untreated.
- Hypoxia is a condition in which the oxygen supply to a portion of the body is reduced. Hypoxia in the brain can cause inattention, poor judgment, memory loss, impaired motor coordination, and even convulsions or death.
- Anoxia is called anoxia when the brain does not receive any oxygen for a long time. Longer periods of oxygen deprivation are more damaging to the brain. Within five minutes of oxygen deprivation, brain cells begin to die. When brain damage occurs, emergency responders begin administering oxygen immediately.
- A lower-than-normal blood pressure reading characterizes hypotension. Having a critically low blood pressure might result in shock and further damage to the brain.
- As many as 20 percent of those with a catastrophic brain injury suffer from seizures. Neuroimaging tests may reveal them to the naked eye, or they may be very subtle and only detectable by neuroimaging studies. Although anti-seizure medicine is a conventional treatment for traumatic brain injuries, this is not always the case.
- Insufficiency of the endocrine system, such as hyperthermia, adrenal insufficiency, diabetes insipidus, hyponatremia, hypothyroidism, and hyponatremia hypothyroidism, can cause fatigue and constipation.
- Because a brain injury may have such a profound effect on a person’s behavior and abilities, it can also profoundly affect their relationships with friends and family.
They may find themselves on a caretaking duty for the injured person’s partner or children; they must ensure that their basic daily necessities are satisfied.
Because of changes in hormone levels, self-confidence, sexual attraction, and areas of sexual interest, the injured person’s connection with his or her spouse may be permanently affected.
Individuals who have experienced a brain injury may not be able to participate in the same activities they did before the accident. Friends may not be able to relate to the brain-injured person. Brain injuries can have long-term effects on a person’s job and social life; they can also significantly impact their families.
Brain Injured People’s Emotions
After a brain injury, the brain injury association in the United States cites the following common feelings that the wounded person or his or her family may experience:
- As a result, I am unable to connect with anyone else.
- I feel isolated.
- I’ve noticed that folks seem to avoid me.
- There are no longer any visitors that came to see me in the hospital.
- People avoid being around me.
- no one understands me.
- I’m about to be fired by my boss; I can feel it.
Injuries to the brain in children and adults have different outcomes.
Even though children and adults may experience the same types of injuries, the brains of children are substantially different from those of adults and are still in the process of developing. While some people think kids are better able to recuperate after suffering from a brain injury than adults, it’s more usual for kids to have long-term cognitive effects that aren’t apparent until they’ve grown up and matured. The educational and emotional requirements of a child who has had brain damage may be vastly different when they return to school.
School-aged children who have had a brain injury may face challenges such as:
- Difficulty recalling and understanding information
- Difficulty finishing things in a given period.
- Being easily distracted and unsure about oneself
- A lack of motivation to carry out the specified duties.
The following are some of how schools and teachers might better accommodate students with brain injuries:
- Providing additional time for work and testing
- Giving students more time off from schoolwork
- Grade the quality of work rather than the quantity of work
- The student can record teaching and play it later if thorough notes about the covered topics are provided.
- Allowing multiple-choice or oral exams in place of essay questions
In the United States, how much do brain injuries cost?
Not only are brain injuries expensive for the person who has them and their families, but society bears the burden of compensating for lost productivity and providing social programs and healthcare for those who have them. Listed here are a few facts that you should know:
- Lifelong medical care following brain damage is projected to cost between $85,000 and $3 million.
- Those who have had a catastrophic brain injury are twice as likely as the general population to be out of work two years following the injury, at 60 percent.
- In the United States, more than half of homeless people have had a brain injury.
- Since 2001, more than 33,000 military members have been injured by work-related brain injuries.
- Hospitalizations and legal actions are stemming from the injury’s cause account for most of the anticipated annual cost to society of $48.3 billion.
Frequently Asked Questions About Brain Injuries in Colorado Springs
The brain injury claims procedure can be complex and daunting, and we’re here to help. As a result, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions about Colorado Springs’s brain injury cases.
As a last resort, please feel free to call our office if you still have questions that have not been answered on this website.
In what ways is TBI defined?
The Mayo Clinic defines a traumatic brain injury as:
- There are many types of traumatic brain injuries, some resulting in concussions and mild symptoms, while others can lead to long-term disability or even death.
- Injuries to the head, such as jolts or strikes, can cause TBIs.
- Traumatic brain injury can occur when brain tissue is penetrated by trauma (such as when a shattered piece of the skull hits the brain).
- Our brain cells are usually momentarily impacted by mild TBIs.
- Torn tissue, bleeding, and bruises can be long-lasting consequences of severe or moderate TBIs.
Is TBI a common occurrence?
Yes. A wide range of conditions can lead to a traumatic brain injury. In any given year, over 2,5 million people experience a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Approximately 50,000 of them (about a fifth of them) die from their wounds.
Are Brain Injuries a Fact of Life in the United States?
Sadly, the answer is yes. In the United States, acquired brain trauma is one of the most common disabilities.
Every year, more than a hundred thousand people are left with a lasting disability due to brain injuries. The number of Americans with a history of traumatic brain injury is as high as 14 million.
What Is a Common Cause of Traumatic Brain Injury?
Car accidents are responsible for between 50 and 75 percent of TBI incidents.
You can understand why—vehicles weigh a ton and drive at a high rate of velocity. It’s not uncommon for cars to be damaged in car accidents.
Can you imagine the dangers our bodies (and minds) would be exposed to in such a situation?
Many car accident-related traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are the result of victims hitting their heads on the interior surfaces of their vehicles (e.g., windshields or steering wheels)
As a result, a victim’s brain collides with the inside of their skull when they are struck by this force (which usually results in bruising and bleeding)
TBI can also be caused by:
- Falls
- Impacts
- Assaults
- Sporting accidents
- Military service
Do TBIs have a Greater Potential for Harm than Other Injuries?
Yes. There is a higher risk of a TBI and problems following one for the elderly and the young.
There are a few reasons for this:
- In addition to lacking fully developed motor skills and a weak sense of risk, children are more likely than adults to make unsafe decisions. This increases their vulnerability to traumatic brain injury (TBI).
- In children, there are significant variances in physical ability, and many children who sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) develop unique injury patterns due to this.
- Treating traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) is a hard process; in the elderly, falls are more common due to various diseases or some natural physical degeneration.
- As a result, traumatic brain injury (TBI) is more likely in the elderly.
- TBI is the largest cause of mortality and disability among children in the United States, but it also poses a significant risk to older persons.
Falls are the most common cause of TBI in the elderly; about 51% of all senior brain injury cases are linked to falls; car accidents are the second most common cause of TBI in the elderly; car accidents only account for about 9% of all senior brain injury cases.
- Nearly 100,000 emergency room visits each year can be traced to a person 65 or older suffering a brain injury.
- Around 75% of these emergency room visits lead to hospital admissions.
- Older people are more likely to have long-term consequences from a TBI for various reasons.
- Doctors lack clinical data on the elderly and TBIs,
- A fundamental issue. As a result,
- Many medical professionals find it difficult to provide treatment
- Predict how an elderly patient would recover after a traumatic brain injury.
Do Traumatic Brain Injuries in Children Have the Same Symptoms as in Adults?
Generally speaking, not at all.
When a child’s traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs, they are in particular danger (as demonstrated above). One explanation is that toddlers don’t always show the same indicators of traumatic brain injury as adultsare.
If you have children, keep an eye out for the following indicators of a traumatic brain injury (TBI):
- Unusual or prolonged irritation, sobbing, etc.
- Changes in feeding or eating habits that cannot be explained
- Changes in sleeping patterns
- Dejection (or an overall depressed mood)
- A decrease in interest in beloved toys and pastimes.
Does Traumatic Brain Injury Affect Different Areas of the Mind?
Yes! Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects a person differently depending on which section of their brain was harmed.
The good news is that doctors and lawyers comprehend TBI the same way as the general public does. TBIs are classified as either mild or severe based on the lobes of our brains that have been affected most. There are four lobes in our brains:
- The frontal lobe,
- Temporal lobe,
- Parietal lobe,
- occipital lobe comprise the human brain.
One or more of these lobes can be damaged without harming others. The location of a brain injury can significantly impact how a victim is impacted.
What Is the Difference Between a Traumatic Brain Injury in One Lobe and Another?
Let’s be clear: We’re not medical experts before we go into this topic.
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a difficult and ever-changing injury. A person’s long-term health and well-being are impossible to predict after a traumatic brain injury (TBI). For the most part, we still don’t understand what goes on in our brains.
TBI can affect each of the four lobes of our brain, and we’ll examine how this affects each lobe in turn:
- The brain’s frontal lobe is like a control panel; it allows us to practice problem-solving and emotional expression.
- Injuries to the frontal lobe can cause problems with judgment, sequencing, and even seemingly free motions.
- The temporal lobe houses our language and speech comprehension systems, as well as our ability to recognize the sound, face, or object recognition
- When a TBI damages someone’s temporal lobe, they may talk excessively or be unable to grasp what is said to them.
- When we hurt our parietal lobes, we lose the ability to describe how some things feel or name objects.
- If someone injures the occipital lobes, they may lose the ability to describe how some things feel or name objects.
- Recent medical and scientific advancements have made it obvious that we don’t know as much as we thought about this part of the brain. It’s not uncommon for people to experience visual hallucinations, trouble naming and identifying colors, or even complete blindness resulting from an occipital lobe injury.
In the event of a traumatic brain injury, you run the risk of suffering damage to another portion of your brain. A part of the brain called the cerebellum is responsible for this.
The cerebellum is not part of the brain’s lobe structure. It is responsible for enabling us to better regulate our physical bodies. Damage to a person’s cerebellum might result in the following symptoms:
- Tremors
- An inability to do tasks that require spatial reasoning
- coordination,
- Stumbling,
- moving with precision
How Do Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) Vary in Severity?
That’s true, but it doesn’t matter. The slight brain damage might have long-term consequences, but a serious injury may clear up in weeks. Severity is mostly a measure of the severity of the early symptoms rather than the long-term objectives you hope to achieve.
The signs and symptoms of a brain injury can vary widely depending on the type and severity of the lesion. To determine if you or someone else has had a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and hence may be at risk, you should seek medical attention immediately.
For the vast majority of readers, it is impossible to diagnose or cure any kind of brain injury because most are not medical experts. As soon as you believe that you or someone else has experienced a TBI, get immediate medical attention.
TBI Victims: Can They Sue for Damages?
Yes! An experienced attorney can help TBI victims recover a large portion of the costs related to their injury, including:
- In this category, you’ll find past, present, and future medical expenses related to your TBI. You may also be able to get reimbursement for any special emergency transport or medical services you require.
- It’s common for people to feel emotional or mental discomfort when they’re hurt, but certain injuries are more taxing than others. If your TBI has caused you extreme mental or physical suffering, you may be entitled to compensation.
- A TBI lawyer that knows how to get you the disability benefits you deserve is essential when dealing with TBI, as acquired brain trauma is one of the most common forms of disability in the United States.
- It is not uncommon for an injured worker to be out of work for weeks (if not months) as they heal. You may be able to recoup lost pay in court if you’ve suffered a loss like this. As a result of their injuries, some TBI survivors have a lower lifetime earning potential. Construction workers who suffer a traumatic brain injury (TBI) may be unable to return to their previous job. A person who believes he or she will not be able to make as much money in a new job might sue for damages for lost earning potential.
A TBI makes it difficult to prove the negligence of another party.
The essential factors for proving negligence are duty, causation, and damages.
- It’s the “obligation” we all accept to not willfully put others at risk or make ourselves a danger to others that is referred to as “responsibility.”
- As a general rule, someone breaches duty if they don’t effectively protect and consider the others in their immediate vicinity.
- The breach of duty must be related to the failure to perform (in simpler terms: the breach of duty itself needs to be found to be the cause of the accident).
- Damages relate to the physical or financial harm that a TBI victim suffers due to their illness. To prove carelessness, it is necessary to show that a breach of duty led to damages.
Is There a Chance an Attorney Can Help Me?
Yes, if your argument is strong enough. Look for a lawyer who has handled TBI-related cases in court and negotiations.
As soon as they can, TBI victims should contact our Colorado Springs brain injury lawyers. Agents from insurance companies will be less likely to press you for settlement agreements if you have this. When you have to go to court, it improves your case. Throughout the healing process, it gives you confidence and knowledge.
Victims in these situations may benefit from legal assistance:
- A TBI that significantly affects
- Your ability to conduct everyday chores
- A TBI caused by an accident that can be linked back to someone else’s negligence or recklessness
- Emotional suffering and/or physical discomfort is being caused by the TBI.
If you or a loved one has been injured due to someone else’s carelessness, contact Warrior Law as soon as possible to schedule a consultation with a Colorado Springs brain injury lawyer.
The Statute of Limitations for Brain Injury Claims Is How Long Do I Have?
You have a two-year window to file a personal injury lawsuit in Colorado and three-years if it was a car accident, according to Colorado Statutes. You have two years to initiate a wrongful death claim if your loved one died due to a brain injury. Damage claims will be forever barred if the applicable statute of limitations is not observed.
You may not always know when the statute of limitations in your case has expired. Consult our staff if you need help securing your injury settlement. All of your case details will be taken care of by our firm.
Insurers: What Can I Expect from Them?
Negotiating with the insurance company can be quite challenging when it comes to a brain injury claim. The insurance company cares about their bottom line, no matter how deserving you may be of reimbursement. Insurance firms have departments devoted to investigating claims and seeking ways to limit or deny claimants’ damages.
These teams will go to great lengths to refute any accusations to find loopholes in the contract. When you hire an attorney from the beginning, you can prevent being taken advantage of by the insurance company.
Are Our Brain Injury Lawyers in Colorado Springs Priced Competitively?
Suppose you were worried that hiring a brain injury attorney in Colorado Springs would cost you more than you could afford. In that case, you’d be delighted to find that our office offers a contingency fee for brain injury cases.
Until we win your case, you will not be responsible for any costs or legal fees. Taking on your case entails taking on all of the associated risks. We intend to win as soon as we accept your brain injury case.
Are Punitive Damages an Option?
In addition to compensatory damages, punitive damages are paid to penalize the defendant. If you suffer a brain injury, you are not entitled to punitive damages from the negligent party. Punitive damages may be awarded if the court considers the defendant’s behavior to be willful or extremely negligent.
Punitive damages are extremely unusual, but if they are awarded in your brain injury claim, they can significantly impact the compensation you receive.
Help With Your Brain Injury Case? Call Our Colorado Springs Brain Injury Lawyers Now!
If you or a loved one has been hurt due to someone else’s carelessness, recklessness, or negligence, we’d be happy to talk with you about your legal options. Warrior Law has locations on both the east and west coasts of Colorado, making it convenient for you to visit us in person or email us through our contact page to schedule a free first consultation.
We are standing by ready, willing, and able to help you. You can schedule a free consultation here on our website, or give us a call and talk to us. Whatever you prefer, we will accomodate you!