Colorado Springs Truck Accident Lawyers
Truck Accidents in Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs Truck Accident Law Firm
Truck accidents in Colorado Springs, Colorado, are among the most deadly incidents on the road. One might even argue that they are the most deadly sort of car collision.
Our truck accident attorneys know how to protect you from being a truck accident victim a second time. Semi-trucks, or tractor-trailers commonly called, are commercial vehicles with a penchant for enormous size and weight. In this article we take a look at common truck accidents and their causes.
Commercial trucks may weigh up to 80,000 pounds, and their trailers can be 53 feet long or more in certain cases. These measurements result in a tremendously deadly item that, if anything goes wrong, may easily crush and kill anyone in its path. The following are a few of the most prevalent scenarios.
We have experienced truck accident lawyers at Warrior. We offer a free consultation so you can focus on what matters most.
Truck accident claims and trucking lawsuits tend to drag on for a long time. These include anything from expensive insurance coverage to major injuries and everything in between. If you or a loved one has been wounded in a semi-truck accident, you may be curious about why it takes so long to settle a truck accident case—and how an expert truck accident lawyer can help.
Types of Truck Accidents
Types of Truck Accidents
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Why Tractor Trailer Accidents Happen in Colorado Springs
There are times when a truck’s size causes it to lose control and rollover. Simply put, when a truck of this size and weight does something like this, it causes extensive devastation. Semi-trucks struggle to handle the weight and mass of a trailer, and anything as simple as braking or turning wrong may cause the trailer’s momentum to collapse over and take the rest of the vehicle with it.
When this occurs, numerous automobiles sharing the road with the truck may be crushed under it, and additional vehicles may collide with the debris of a rolled-over tractor trailer, resulting in a pileup. The trucking company will try to place blame on others. Our law firm will protect you. The reality is that truck crashes are a common problem in Colorado Springs and fatal accidents happen all the time.
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Underride Accidents That Involve Trucks
A trailer truck has an area beneath it that may be dangerous to other cars. In many circumstances, the gap between a truck trailers underbelly and the road is just big enough to put an automobile, or at least a portion of one, inside it. In what is known as “underride incidents,” cars may get stuck in this under space.
A truck trying to change lanes may accidentally catch a vehicle in this gap, causing it to get trapped and dragged under the trailer, or it may be crushed and run over completely, resulting in devastating consequences, often in fatal crashes
Tire Blowout Truck Accidents
A tire rupture on a standard car may be difficult, but tire blowouts on trucks are particularly hazardous and a major cause of truck accidents. Even though strucks typically have eight tires, one blowout may be devastating. If a tire on a semi-truck blows out, the driver may quickly lose control of the vehicle and cause an accident since each one is critical in maintaining the vehicle’s massive size and weight.
Serious injuries result when a truck driver loses control. Because the support on that vehicle component goes away on smaller vehicles, there is a jerking action in the direction of a blown tire. Due to the additional weight supported by the tire on trucks, this jerking action is accentuated. Even the debris from a blown-out tire might be deadly and cause an accident if it collides with another vehicle. This type of truck accident is also a major cause of truck rollover accidents.
Colorado Springs Truck Accidents via Jackknifing
Commercial trucks, for example, are subject to a phenomenon known as jackknifing. This is a major cause of truck accidents. The attachment point between the trailer and the truck cab swivels, allowing the trailer to smoothly follow the vehicle’s movement. Our truck accident lawyer knows how to handle these situations.
While this provides for more agility, it may also be a liability since a truck trailer can occasionally slip out of control and swing-out sideways from behind the cab. When a truck stops too forcefully, turns incorrectly, or handles badly at high speeds, the momentum of a load may take it beyond the cab in a wrapping motion akin to a jackknife closing, thus the term. Cars are readily struck by jackknifing trailers, which may block multiple lanes of traffic.
Improper Loading and Truck Rollovers
Trucks transport vast quantities of supplies and commodities throughout the nation, but their load may also create fatal accidents. Semi-trucks can transport a wide range of materials, including timber, food, and hazardous chemicals. If any of these items fall off a truck’s trailer, they may become deadly debris and traffic hazards. The truck driver is responsible for this as well.
In other circumstances, a truck’s cargo might cause an accident if it moves around the trailer, causing the trailer to lose its equilibrium. Improperly loaded vehicles are very hazardous since weight shifting may tip a truck over and make driving difficult.
Head On Truck Collisions
The head-on collision is perhaps the most dangerous truck accident since it involves the most direct and intense forces of any type of accident. A truck collides front-on with the front of another vehicle driving in the other direction in this kind of incident. The collision of the truck’s weight and speed with another item going at high speed in the opposite direction is very severe, and deaths are frequent.
Rear-End Truck Accidents
Semi-trucks must come to a full stop considerably more slowly and across a greater distance. Their momentum propels them farther than smaller vehicles. Therefore drivers must be cautious not to brake too hard or too abruptly, or they may jackknife.
In what is known as a rear end truck accident, a truck may overestimate its stopping distance and crash the automobile in front of them from behind. The truck driver is almost always responsible for rear end collisions involving passenger cars. That does not mean making a personal injury claim will be easy.
Accidents Involving Trucks making a Wide Turn
Trucks must perform turns with much greater caution than other vehicles. Their trailers must wrap around the whole turn, which necessitates extra-wide turns from drivers.
Because the power of turning truck to the side may move a trailer’s weight and cause it to overturn or Jackknife, turning a semi-truck can also raise the chance of the trailer tipping. Truck accident victims are particularly vulnerable in these situations.
Compensation for injuries caused by a commercial motor vehicle is more difficult to obtain than compensation for regular automobile accidents. The trucking company will try to hide evidence. They take advantage of truck accident victims for their own profit. Tractor trailers are a major source of profit and insurance companies know how to protect them, even the negligent truck driver.
When it comes to getting essential compensation for life-altering injuries sustained in Colorado Springs truck accidents, it is critical to choose a personal injury attorney with expertise in handling big truck accidents.
Call the experienced Colorado Springs truck accident attorneys at Warrior Truck Accident Attorneys for a free consultation on anything from assisting injured persons through the commercial insurance process to investigating truck owners for FMCSA violations.
What Should You Do If You’re in a Big Rig Truck Accident?
Passengers who have been injured in a vehicle accident are more likely to sue or seek compensation. On the other hand, a truck accident is a whole other story; the claims and policies for it are not the same as for a vehicle accident. Important things to remember if you ever get into a truck accident are listed below.
For a truck driver, the rules and regulations are different.
Keep in mind that several rules and regulations only apply to large rig vehicles. One of the restrictions is that a truck driver may only drive for a certain number of hours per day; if he was going above the limit when he struck your car, the chances are in your favor since this is a major breach of the laws. Check whether the vehicle has had its normal maintenance and inspection, as it should be in good working order while on the road.
Examine the Big Rig Trucks for Evidence
Digital tracking systems are now standard on these contemporary vehicles, providing data on the truck’s speed, position, steering input, velocity, and acceleration. In other words, they keep an eye on and monitor every vehicle component. Consider the ball in your court now if you can get your hands on the information when the vehicle was moving at the time of the collision.
Aggressive attorneys and insurers mostly represent the case of truck drivers.
The bulk of the time, large rig vehicles are not owned by the drivers. They are the property of large corporations and commercial organizations, represented by strong insurance firms and corporate attorneys. These attorneys are well aware that truck accidents vary from vehicle accidents in that they are more deadly and may result in the death of numerous persons. A claim for these events might cost them tens of thousands of dollars, and minimizing the compensation is never an easy task.
Aside from the foolishness and lack of responsibility of truck drivers, several natural causes play a big role in these incidents. Some of these elements are listed below:
Climate Conditions
Even driving a vehicle on a snowy or wet day becomes challenging for a truck; it’s a major accomplishment if the driver can successfully navigate through severe weather conditions without causing an accident. The travel is arduous and dangerous due to ice, rain, snow, fog, and strong gusts. Truck drivers must be aware of the limitations of their equipment and the conditions.
Roads That Aren’t Well-Built
Potholes, patches, alligator cracking, longitudinal cracking, and other distresses may develop on rigid and flexible pavements. When operated in these terrible road conditions, the truck’s tires are severely harmed.
Strong Winds
Heavy winds are hazardous to trucks because the trailer linked to the cab may quickly drift out of its lane, making it hard for the driver to maintain control and avoid colliding with anybody in front of him.
Unacquainted with the Highways
First and foremost, a truck driver should never be excused in this situation since it is his responsibility to know exactly where he is going and which routes he will take. The motorist may be unaware that the location has changed to an excessively small, curvy, or bumpy route, increasing the risk of an accident.
Laws Concerning Truck Safety
Truck safety rules, both state and federal, are intended to keep the public safe and avoid truck accidents. Passenger vehicles are specifically vulnerable and rules try to protect them.
First and foremost, trucking businesses must guarantee that their fleet vehicles are properly maintained, including brake systems, lighting, steering, engines, and other mechanical components.
Trucking businesses must also undertake regular maintenance and safety checks and preserve documents proving that the required inspections and maintenance have been completed. Their truck drivers must actually follow these rules. A trucking firm that does not follow these guidelines may be held accountable for incidents that result in bodily injury or wrongful death.
Truck drivers must also follow specific laws, including obtaining a commercial driver’s license (CDL) and adhering to hourly driving limitations and frequent break requirements. On the other hand, Truckers are often faced with tight delivery schedules and must travel great distances, making them prone to tiredness.
A truck driver and their ability to react to traffic and road conditions may be harmed due to this. Furthermore, some truckers use stimulants like methamphetamines to remain awake, impairing their eyesight and reflexes.
Truck accidents are caused by a variety of factors, including driver weariness and driving under the influence. Finally, trucking businesses and truck drivers who violate safety standards and cause accidents must face the consequences.
If You’re Injured in a Jackknife Truck Accident, Here’s What You Should Do
If you have been wounded in a truck accident in Colorado, you must follow these steps:
- If you or others are hurt, call 911 to notify the authorities and seek immediate medical help.
- Find a safe place to hide. Stay off the road or as close to it as possible.
- Obtain the truck driver’s contact and insurance information, as well as those of any other drivers involved in the collision.
- When law enforcement arrives at the accident site, cooperate with them. Their police report will contain the information you provide.
- Take images of the accident site using your phone.
- Obtain the phone numbers of any witnesses who may be present.
- Go to the doctor, even if you don’t think you’ve been wounded. Symptoms of some injuries don’t often show up immediately away. For your claim, it’s also critical that you have medical verification of your injuries.
- Save any accident-related paperwork, including medical bills, car repair bills, and insurance forms.
- As quickly as possible, contact an experienced Colorado Springs truck accident attorney at the Warrior Law Firm.
You may call Warrior Truck Accident Lawyers by phone at 719-300-1100 or through our online contact page, which has offices throughout Colorado Springs. Our law firm has experienced truck accident attorneys ready and able to help.

We are standing by ready, willing, and able to help you. You can schedule a free consultation here on our website, or give us a call and talk to us. Whatever you prefer, we will accomodate you!