Request a Copy of the Colorado Premises Liability Law Desk Reference, Second Edition
Do you want to know more about premises liability law and regulations?
Colorado Premises Liability Law Desk Reference, Second Edition is a legal treatise on premises liability accident law. With this book, now considered an authoritative resource by many attorneys and practitioners, we share our knowledge and experience in handling premises liability law..
We enjoy the opportunity to collaborate with other lawyers on premises liability cases, and part of our motivation in publishing Premises Liability Desk Reference was to help provide insight for other practitioners in this area of law.
One of the biggest mistakes a lawyer can make is treating a premises liability case like a typical automobile accident case.
Victims injured by premises liability accidents deserve to be represented by a firm that understands and appreciates the complexities of premises liability law. We believe that every premises liability case needs a premises liability attorney, and Colorado Premises Liability Law Desk Reference, Second Edition helps explain why.
To request your copy, please confirm your attorney status below. A complimentary copy is available to Plaintiff’s attorneys.
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