Experienced Denver Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Nobody buys a motorcycle with the expectation of being involved in an accident. What strikes accident victims as surprising is how severe their injuries may become, even when they have complied with all traffic regulations, maintained their focus on the road, and donned their protective gear.
When you’re riding a bike amid a crowd of cars and trucks driven by individuals who aren’t paying attention to the little man, even defensive driving may not be enough to keep you safe from the consequences of someone else’s poor judgment.
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Motorcycle accidents are governed by the laws of physics

Denver Motorcycle Accident Attorney
Objects at rest need a certain amount of force to accelerate, but objects in motion do not. The greater the weight of a thing, the greater the amount of force required to move it. When a moving car crashes into another moving car, part of the force of the collision is transferred to the other car.
The result of one car smashing into another at a stoplight might be a chain reaction: the halted car is forced forward into another car, which in turn transfers the force to the next car it is driven into, and so forth.
When a large car such as a car or truck collides with a motorcycle, it transmits all or most of the force it generates to the motorcycle and its passenger. As a result, motorcycle riders are often seriously injured in accidents that may have been as simple as a fender-bender between two cars of identical size.
You may begin to appreciate why motorcycle accidents can result in riders suffering life-altering injuries while the expenses of the car walks away with no injuries when you examine how much force a car requires to travel at highway speeds.
Injuries that occur often
Injury to the Brain During a Motorcycle Accident, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), sometimes known as traumatic brain damage (TBI), is a fairly prevalent kind of injury after a motorcycle accident.
Even if the skull does not fracture as a result of a collision with a hard surface such as the pavement or another person’s car, the delicate tissues of the brain can be jostled around inside, resulting in a concussion or more serious conditions such as bleeding inside the skull, which can cause permanent brain damage or death if left untreated. If left untreated, brain injuries can result in permanent brain damage or death.
Additionally, your head swinging back and forth fast on your neck (causing your brain to “slosh” within your skull and bang on the hard bone) or by neighboring blast waves may induce brain damage.
Some brain injuries are identified in the emergency department within minutes after the occurrence. Others, however, are more difficult to diagnose; you may not realize you have a concussion until you begin to feel dizzy, disoriented, or have difficulty remembering things many days or weeks after being involved in an car accident.
It is not recommended that you attempt to diagnose or treat a brain injury on your own time. If you have any suspicions that you may be suffering from a brain injury, see a doctor as soon as possible.
Is it possible to sustain a traumatic brain injury while wearing a helmet?
A traumatic brain injury may occur even if you are wearing protective gear, thus it is important to wear one at all times while you are riding your motorcycle. Although motorcycle helmets are intended to withstand the majority of the force of a collision with a hard surface, they may not be able to absorb the whole power of a crash with a hard surface in a severe accident.
In certain cases, brain injuries may occur even if your skull is not directly impacted by an object; for example, if the forces of the accident were powerful enough to whip your head about, or if another portion of your head, such as your chin, impacts a hard surface.
Bone fractures
If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, there is a significant probability that you will be assessed at an emergency room for possible broken bones. When we are involved in a stressful event, our bones might fracture, break, or even shatter completely. In
Motorcycle accidents, fractured bones, and other internal injuries may occur not only as a result of the encounter with the car but also as a result of flying off the motorcycle and striking the road or having your motorcycle fall on top of you.
While broken bones may heal on their own over time (with a little assistance from the medical profession), a fractured bone can have long-term effects for the person who has broken it. As a result of your injuries, you may end up with temporary or permanent pins, rods, and screws implanted in your body; you may require surgical procedures to remove bone chips and reset shattered bones that cannot be realigned externally; your bones may fail to knit properly, or they may re-grow in the wrong position.
It is possible to suffer from long-term pain or disability if your vertebrae, the bones that protect your delicate spinal column, are damaged. This is due to bony defects that deform your discs (the fluid-filled sacs that separate each vertebra from the next) or press against your spinal cord nerves.
Injuries to the soft tissues
It is your soft tissues that link, support, and surround your bones and organs. These tissues include your muscles, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, skin, fat, and other connective, supportive, and encircling tissues. Soft tissue injuries are common in motorcycle accidents, and although these injuries may sometimes heal on their own, you will likely be dealing with them following a serious motorcycle accident.
Soft tissue injuries, as opposed to bone fractures, might be more difficult to detect. You may be experiencing discomfort, but can you identify precisely where the discomfort is coming from? Do you think it’s an injury to a muscle fiber, a tendon, or perhaps a nerve that goes through that area? Pain may sometimes be referred to, which means that you may experience pain in one part of your body as a result of stress or injury in another part of your body.
In many circumstances, physicians will not be able to provide you with a scan to identify soft tissue damage right away. Keeping a record of your symptoms can help you keep track of your progress.
You should also see your primary care physician regularly and avoid exaggerating or downplaying your symptoms. After an accident, your doctor may recommend that you see a massage therapist, a physical therapist, or another health care practitioner who may assist you in managing your symptoms and regaining your strength.
After suffering a soft tissue injury, it’s important to follow your doctor’s recommendations as closely as possible, no matter how inconvenient or difficult it may be to do so. Legally speaking, if you do not follow your doctor’s orders or if you consistently miss visits, jurors may grow skeptical of your claims for personal injury or medical malpractice.
Injuries to the nervous system
Your nervous system is a delicate network of cells that transmits feelings from one part of your body to another, all the way up to the top of your head. You will most likely suffer pain or another discomfort, such as tingling, numbness, or weakening in the afflicted region if these nerves are destroyed as a result of a severe accident or another injury.
Your central nervous system is comprised of your brain and spinal cord, while your peripheral nervous system is comprised of all of the nerve cells that control all of your movements and transmit sensory information to your brain. Your central nervous system is comprised of your brain and spinal cord; your peripheral nervous system is comprised of all of your nerve cells.
Your nerves might be harmed in a variety of ways after being involved in an car accident. In the most extreme situations, they may need to be amputated. When a severe injury to a component of your body, such as your shoulder or the apertures in your vertebrae through which nerves escape the spinal column, results in a deformity that pushes directly on your sensitive nerve tissue, this is known as impingement.
Neurological injuries are very difficult to diagnose on one’s own. Because nerves transmit pain from different regions of your body to your brain, you may assume that something is wrong with your muscle or bone while a damaged or impinged nerve is the source of the pain. If you have any questions, please contact us. As you proceed with your plan,
If you see a doctor after the event, be careful to note any bouts of numbness, tingling, or weakness that you have had, since these might be signs of brain damage.
Other types of injuries
Keeping track of all of the various injuries that may result from a motorcycle accident would take up the whole website. Please bear with me while I mention just a few different sorts of injuries to save room for all of the information concerning who is going to pay for your medical treatment as a result of all these injuries.
- Dental problems, such as cracked teeth or broken joints in the jaw
Injury to your internal organs might result in bruising, bleeding, or crushing damage.
Vein and artery damage; post-traumatic stress disorder and other anxiety disorders; and new phobias or aversions are all possible consequences of this condition.
The following conditions may occur:
- Reproductive: physical harm to the genitals, loss of capacity to enjoy sex
- Dermatological: road rash, burns, scarring
Some of the most frequently asked questions concerning medical treatment
We, the lawyers at Warrior Motorcycle Accident Lawyers, are not medical professionals. However, since our clients are often coping with the aftermath of catastrophic injuries, we get a great number of concerns concerning the medical treatment they are presently receiving or plan to receive shortly.
Is it possible for me to visit an alternative medicine practitioner rather than a doctor?
Following the instructions of a competent medical practitioner will assist you in making a complete recovery. Additionally, it will benefit your legal case. One instance, in which a lady was rear-ended by another car when she was parked behind a bus, served as a reminder of the importance of this.
The lady was rushed to the hospital after the accident because she was complaining of back and neck discomfort. After a thorough evaluation, which included X-rays, the emergency department doctor advised the lady to consult with her primary care physician if she continued to have concerns.
The lady was still experiencing back discomfort the following day. She contacted her chiropractor and got treatment for the injuries she sustained in the collision. When the defendant presented evidence at trial, he claimed that the plaintiff did not follow her doctor’s directions because she attended a chiropractor instead of a medical doctor.
The jury returned a lower-than-expected judgment in favor of the lady because they considered she should have followed the ER doctor’s advice and sought medical treatment. They stated that a medical practitioner may have saved some money on extra treatment costs if he or she had recommended an alternate form of therapy.
Insurance companies may claim that if you only visit these sorts of providers and do not consult with a certified doctor of medicine or do not follow his or her directions, they should not be required to pay the entire sum for therapy that was not prescribed by a doctor.
Where did all the doctors come from? Why do I have to visit so many different ones?
If you have suffered a significant injury for the first time, you may find yourself in the company of physicians that you have never met before. Doctors, like lawyers, tend to specialize in various areas of their industry; when one doctor sends you to another, it’s because they feel that your injuries should be looked at by someone who is an expert in a different area of medicine than the doctor who referred you to them. A few of the medical professionals who are most often seen by personal injury sufferers are listed below.
An anaesthesiologist is a medical professional who provides medicines to patients to relieve pain during surgery. Some anaesthesiologists also specialize in the treatment of chronic pain. Anaesthesiologists who specialize in the treatment of pain are commonly referred to as pain management experts.
Exactly what it sounds like, a burn specialist is someone who specializes in the treatment of people who have suffered from serious burns.
A dermatologist is a physician who specializes in the treatment of skin disorders and injuries, such as burns.
A doctor of emergency medicine is a medical professional who works in a hospital emergency department. Perhaps this doctor was the first person to see you after the accident and begin treating you.
The doctor you most likely visit regularly is most likely a family practice or general practice physician. Depending on your injuries, he or she may decide to participate in your care directly or send you to a specialist for further treatment.
Another sort of doctor that is often seen is the physiatrist, sometimes known as a doctor of physical medicine and rehabilitation. The non-surgical treatment and rehabilitation of a wide range of musculoskeletal problems and injuries is the specialty of this sort of practitioner. When it comes to diagnosing and discussing your injuries, as well as any restrictions, impairment, or handicap that may result from them, a physiatrist or rehab doctor is frequently the best choice.
A neurologist is a medical professional that specializes in the treatment of injuries and disorders of the nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord. If you have suffered brain or spinal damage, this is the doctor who will examine you. If you need surgery, you may also be sent to a neurological surgeon or a spinal surgeon for evaluation.
An orthopedic doctor, often known as an orthopedist, is a medical professional who specializes in treating injuries to the bones, muscles, and joints, which may include amputations as well as shattered bones.
A rheumatologist is a doctor who specializes in the treatment of joint disorders.
To help accident victims who have suffered physical harm or ugly scarring in the process of repairing their bodies, physicians of plastic surgery, reconstructive surgery, or cosmetic surgery try to restore or prevent loss of functionality.
When working with accident victims, physical therapists and physicians of physical medicine and rehabilitation help them regain mobility and function in the regions that have been damaged by the injury. This might include activities that you would not consider to be physically demanding, like cleaning your teeth or writing a letter.
Psychiatrists are trained to deal with a variety of mental health disorders, including emotional injuries sustained in accidents. A psychiatrist is a medical practitioner who has a valid medical license and who has the authority to lawfully prescribe drugs.
Among others who specialize in other specialized sections of the body are nephrologists (kidneys), hepatologists (liver), gastroenterologists (digestive system), cardiologists (heart), pulmonary specialists (lungs), and podiatrists (foot specialists) (feet and ankles).
The physicians you’ll visit following your accident will be determined by the severity of your injuries. The majority of the time, a general practitioner or doctor of emergency medicine will examine you first and either send you to the proper expert (if it is not an emergency) or call in the specialist on call at the emergency department (if it is an emergency).
What exactly are all of these medical tests for?
If you’re recuperating from a serious motorcycle accident, you’re undoubtedly becoming very acquainted with the many available medical tests. Following these examinations, you may have received medical invoices with mind-boggling sums of money on them. Nevertheless, what precisely are these tests searching for, and why are they essential, remains a mystery to me.
If you have suffered an internal injury of any kind, including a spinal cord injury, a brain injury, or damage to one or more internal organs, your doctor may urge you to undergo one of these specialized tests. Doctors may order these tests to rule out illnesses that they believe you may be suffering from, or they may order repeat tests to monitor the development of an injury that is now in the process of healing over a prolonged time.
This is beneficial because the more information you have about your injuries, the more likely it is that you will be able to get the therapy that will assist you in your recovery. This will also make it simpler for your attorney to establish the extent of your injuries. Among the tests you can be asked to take are:
When it comes to radiation examinations, we are all acquainted with X-rays. If you have had your wisdom teeth removed, chances are you have had an X-ray taken at the dentist. Because they display bony features, they are most effective for detecting bone fractures and are ineffective for identifying soft tissue injuries.
A CT scan (sometimes known as a CAT scan) is an abbreviation for “computerized tomography scan,” which stands for “computerized tomography scan.” CT scans combine many x-rays collected in a circle around the same place to provide a more detailed image than a single x-ray could offer alone, with the images being combined by a computer. A CT scan is most likely to be required.
When physicians feel you have suffered an injury to your internal organs in your chest or abdomen, or if you have numerous fractures in your hand or foot, an MRI is performed.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is abbreviated as MRI scan. When it comes to soft tissues like muscles, ligaments, and tendons, as well as spinal discs, brain matter, and other tissues in the body, the MRI has a distinct advantage.
You will be asked to lay down in a big tube that will employ magnetic radiation to examine the soft tissues of your body if you are having an MRI procedure performed on you. In certain cases, doctors may also ask you to drink or get an injection of a material that will make those tissues easier to view, known as a contrast MRI, to make the procedure simpler.
If your doctor believes that you have suffered brain or spinal cord damage, you may be invited to participate in this test. Because this technique makes use of magnets, it is not suitable for those who have pacemakers or other metal implants in their bodies.
A PET scan is often performed in conjunction with a CT scan. In a PET scan, the patient is injected with a non-toxic chemical that can be detected by the scanner due to its radioactive properties. Instead of showing just the architecture of the body, PET scans may reveal the metabolic activity of the body, which is in contrast to CT scans. In addition, the pictures they generate are three-dimensional.
You are likely acquainted with the ultrasound test if you know someone who has just given birth. An ultrasonic examination creates a picture of the body by using high-frequency sound waves that bounce off interior organs and structures.
Although the picture it generates is not as detailed as those produced by other technologies, it may be the best option for persons who are sensitive to radiation in certain circumstances. Additionally, it is less costly than an MRI. Internal organs, connective tissue, bones, blood vessels, and the eyes are all examined with this technique by doctors.
A discogram study is a procedure that is used to identify the anatomical origins of low back pain. During this procedure, the discographer puts a needle into the low back, or more precisely, into the core of one of the lumbar discs, to determine disc degeneration. An injection of radiographic dye is performed while the discographer watches the process via a fluoroscopic video camera on a computer monitor. As a general rule, if the injection reproduces the patient’s discomfort, it is assumed that the specific disc is the cause of the issue. This is a painful process that is typically required.
A neurotomy, also known as radiofrequency rhizotomy (RF), is a procedure in which the physician inserts a needle into the facet joints of the patient’s spine to determine the patient’s spinal health (typically in the cervical region). Using the test, you may find out whether you have persistent neck or back discomfort.
Radiofrequency energy is used to heat the needle or wand to an extremely high temperature. To relieve pain, the hot needle is used to burn the nerves around the joint at a high temperature. This technique is not intended to be long-term in nature. Nerves will normally regenerate between 6 to 12 months, depending on the severity of the injury.
If your physicians suspect that you have a nerve injury, they may recommend that you undergo a nerve conduction velocity study (NCV), which is an electrical test that may reveal abnormalities with your nerve conduction velocity.
The nerve being tested is stimulated by one electrode, which is put above it, while the second electrode is placed in a “downstream” portion of the nervous system. The amount of time it takes for the electricity to travel between them to cause nerve injury is determined by the speed at which it does.
Electromyography (EMG) is a device that measures the electrical current produced by muscles while they are in motion. It may be used to determine the activity of muscles. This medication may be prescribed for patients who have nerve damage, muscular weakness, or the disorders that may lead them to be prescribed.
An EMG is performed when a clinician inserts a tiny needle into the muscle being tested or implants an electrode over the region being examined, and then measures the electrical impulses produced by the muscle being tested.
When you get an electroencephalogram (EEG), the electrical activity of your brain is measured and recorded. Special sensors (electrodes) are inserted into the back of your skull and connected to a computer via cables. The electrical activity of your brain is recorded on the screen or paper by the computer, which appears as wavy lines. Changes in the usual pattern of electrical activity in the brain, such as those associated with certain disorders such as seizures, may be detected.
An endoscopy is a procedure that involves inserting a flexible tube with a light and a camera into natural openings in your body, such as the throat. Most typically linked with stomach or colon exams, however, it may be performed in any location that has a natural opening such as the mouth or throat.
Is it truly necessary for me to continue seeing the doctor?
Yes, if you’ve been involved in a major accident, you should make every effort to show up for all of your planned visits with physicians, physical therapists, and other medical professionals. Even if you only see a little improvement with each visit, or if you notice no improvement at all, your doctor should be keeping track of your health and documenting information regarding your recovery.
Medical records are critical pieces of evidence in a personal injury lawsuit, especially from a legal aspect. We are often unable to give legal aid until and until the injured party receives medical care.
Even the most experienced doctor may find it impossible to predict how long you will want medical care in the immediate aftermath of an accident. If you have sustained an injury, you may need follow-up treatment for the first few weeks or months after you have been released from the hospital. If you have suffered an exceedingly severe injury, you may need long-term or perhaps permanent medical attention.
Because it is frequently impossible to forecast your demands early on in a case, you must maintain a high level of awareness regarding your health. Any time you observe a change in your symptoms, you should immediately notify your doctor of the situation. You should take an active role in your recovery by following your doctor’s instructions, taking your medicines, and doing any therapy or treatment that your doctor advises as part of your recovery.
Your lawyer will also need to be aware of any changes in your health and how they are affecting your daily life so that he can explain to the insurance company the full extent of your injuries and losses and get the most favorable settlement possible for your claim.
You should preserve a written record of your medical care and how your injuries have impacted your daily life to assist your attorney in the case. Additionally, this will assist you in refreshing your memory later on, if your claim is taken to trial months or years after the accident occurred.
Your lawyer may seek more medical documents after you have finished your treatment or after your doctor determines that you have achieved your maximal medical improvement to better understand how the injuries may impact you in the future.
I’m at a treatment center, which is not the same as a hospital. What am I doing here?
Depending on the severity of your injuries, you may be admitted to a healthcare facility that is more specialized than the hospitals we are all familiar with. You may be moved from your initial hospital to one of the following hospitals if you need this kind of treatment.
A trauma center is a facility that cares for patients who have suffered an unexpected and catastrophic bodily injury. They are classified into four levels: Level I, Level II, Level III, and Level IV, with Level I facilities housing the most critical patients. Because they are costly to operate, they are not often found; patients who live outside of big cities may have to be flown to one of these facilities instead.
Rehabilitation centers are facilities where patients strive to regain or relearn skills that have been lost as a result of a catastrophic accident. Patients work in rehabilitation centers to recover or relearn talents that have been lost as a result of a serious injury. Physical therapy assists with mobility and the prevention of loss of movement, while occupational therapy may concentrate on relearning activities of daily living or finding methods to execute them despite a new impairment, or on relearning activities of daily living.
Burn centers are dedicated to treating people who have suffered severe burns. Additionally, they collaborate with therapists, social workers, psychiatrists, and other experts who are not often associated with traditional medicine to assist patients in returning to their regular lives after a burn injury.
For accident sufferers who need long-term physical or occupational treatment as well as assistance with daily living activities, assisted living facilities may be a good option for them. Someone who has had a serious brain injury or spinal cord damage may fall into this category.
In addition to providing food and cleaning, as is the case in a nursing home, the staff at an assisted living facility works with patients to help them recover their independence and ability to care for themselves again. Some patients can return home after some time, while others may need to stay in a facility for the remainder of their lives.
Home care is an alternative for individuals who have sustained injuries that do not need hospitalization for an extended period. A nurse or other healthcare professional may come in once a day or many times a week, depending on the situation. Depending on the injuries, the expert may do a variety of tasks ranging from changing bandages to delivering an IV therapy to assisting with personal care requirements.
Help! I can’t Pay for My Medical Treatment
Every week, Warrior Motorcycle Accident Lawyers get phone calls from clients who have been injured in an accident but do not have health insurance or cannot afford medical care because of their financial circumstances.
This is terrible because it hinders both physical and legal recuperation from taking place. In addition, victims who were already living paycheck to paycheck before being engaged in an accident may find it difficult to care for the necessities of their families after their capacity to work is restricted as a result of their injuries or illnesses.
Warrior Motorcycle Accident Lawyers has compiled a list of links with information on where to acquire inexpensive health care and other critical services after a serious accident.
What is the purpose of medical records in a court case?
If you have been injured in an accident that was caused by the negligence or carelessness of another person, you may be eligible to receive cash compensation from the insurance company of the person or business who was at responsibility for your injuries. Insurance firms want to undervalue injury claims to lower the amount of money they have to pay out in settlements. In essence, they are attempting to defraud injured victims of their right to reasonable recompense.
An insurance company’s use of the injured person’s medical data against them is one of the most typical methods of reducing the value of a claim. Patients’ medical records serve as the major piece of evidence in situations when they allege they were hurt as a result of the carelessness of another. Your medical records serve as proof that you were damaged.
It is difficult to establish that you have been hurt and are thus entitled to any kind of compensation for your injuries unless you have medical documents, medical test results, doctor’s chart notes, office visit histories, account statements, and billing data to support your claim. Briefly stated, you cannot establish that you have been hurt until you have medical documents; thus, you do not have a case unless you have medical records.
A person who is unable to pay for medical care or who is unable to skip work to attend doctor’s visits will almost certainly have their claim delayed or denied. Insurance adjusters don’t care why you didn’t seek medical attention; they will just take advantage of your situation.
Even if you are severely injured, your inability to receive treatment due to transportation issues (you don’t have a car, you can’t drive, etc.), work-related issues (you are unable to take time off from work to receive the treatment), or any other reason will have no bearing on your case in the eyes of the insurance adjuster, who will be determining the dollar value of your injuries in the eyes of the court.
Will the insurance of the at-fault expenses cover my medical expenses?
If you believe that the at-fault expenses’s car insurance will automatically cover all of your medical expenses for the duration of your ongoing medical care, you are mistaken. The insurance companies do not automatically agree to pay for any medical care that you claim is linked to an accident, nor do they sign blank checks for your medical treatment when you are injured.
The payment of accident settlements occurs once your medical treatment has been completed (and insurance companies often challenge the necessity of that treatment). You are solely liable for the payment of your medical expenses resulting from an accident-related injury. An injury settlement rewards you for your injuries, medical costs, lost earnings, and other related expenses.
Special Note: If you agree to a settlement figure before you know the full nature of your injuries and required treatment, and your medical expenses subsequently exceed that number, you will not be able to go back and renegotiate the terms of the agreement. Once the issue has been resolved, the matter is closed.
It is to your best advantage to waiting until after your treatment has been completed before beginning talks with the insurance company on a settlement sum. It’s the only way you can hope to get a settlement that truly compensates you for your losses.
Will my attorney cover the cost of my medical bills?
In most cases, having your attorney pay your medical costs is unprofessional and unethical. Your legal representative is not permitted to pay for your medical care. However, your attorney may assist you in establishing medical liens or delayed payment arrangements with your healthcare providers. Inquire with your attorney about the possibility of negotiating medical liens or postponed payment on behalf of you.
What happens if I have health insurance coverage?
If you have health insurance coverage, you may submit a claim to the insurance company for reimbursement. A portion of the settlement or jury judgment proceeds will be given to the insurance company that provided coverage for you while you were in the hospital. Subrogation is the legal term for this procedure.
What happens if I have insurance that includes personal injury protection (PIP) coverage?
PIP insurance, also known as Personal Injury Protection insurance, is a kind of automotive insurance coverage that pays for your medical costs, lost wages, and burial expenses if you are involved in a car accident. PIP coverage compensates for expenses up to the coverage level, regardless of who is at blame for the expense incurred.
Even if you were hurt while riding a motorcycle, if you have an car insurance policy that includes coverage for your motorcycle, you may be eligible to file a claim for personal injury protection (PIP).
What happens if I don’t have medical insurance?
If you do not have medical insurance and need treatment, you should consult with your attorney regarding medical liens or delayed payment arrangements. The idea of establishing a lien on your account might be inquired about by your attorney with your medical providers. You will not be charged with a collection agency fee if you enter into this sort of arrangement with your medical provider and agree to pay all of your medical bills immediately after your injury claim is resolved.
Some medical providers, although not all, will consent to the use of aliens. It is more likely that your medical provider would agree to such an agreement if you work with a personal injury attorney or law firm that has a positive reputation.
We provide an extra service to our clients by conducting lien investigations on their behalf where appropriate, and after the case, we will negotiate reductions in the amount of any liens claimed against the client’s settlement recovery and make payments on such liens.
According to where you reside in the state of Colorado, you may also have access to low-cost or no-cost medical care in your local area, depending on where you live. There are a variety of organizations and institutions mentioned below that provide basic health care services and accept DSHS Services Cards, charge fees depending on a patient’s capacity to pay (sliding scale rates) or give free or low-cost medical services.
Initially treating and documenting injuries with the help of one of these kinds of providers may be an effective first step in many cases. This enables you to get the medical care that you need while also establishing medical records that will be critical in the event of a personal injury claim. If you are working with a reputable law firm or attorney on your injury claim, low-cost or no-cost medical facilities can refer you to medical providers who will agree to work on a lien basis for your longer-term medical treatment if you are working with a low-cost or no-cost medical facility.
Charitable services are provided by hospitals as part of their overall purpose to help their communities. Aside from that, Colorado is one of just a few states with legislation that forces hospitals to give charitable treatment to their patients. According to Colorado law, each hospital is required to adopt a policy on charitable care.
The legislation compels hospitals to give free inpatient and outpatient treatment to patients with extremely low incomes who have been admitted to the hospital and are being treated there. Other low-income people must also be offered discounts by hospitals, according to the law. If it is required, Warrior Motorcycle Accident Lawyers will help our clients incorrectly fill out and submit applications for hospital charity care and treatment.
Are there any other options accessible to persons with little financial means?
When it comes to the financial burden that many accident victims experience while healing from an injury, it’s about more than simply medical expenses. You may need assistance with basic daily expenses such as food and medical care if you have had to take extensive time off work for treatment or recuperation, or if you have lost your employment as a result of your inability to execute your job tasks.
It might be tough to acknowledge that you need assistance after an accident, particularly if you are used to being self-sufficient and independent. When you and your family need assistance, there is no need to feel embarrassed about seeking assistance. These services are available to assist persons in your situation.
People like you should not be financially ruined after an accident takes away your ability to earn a living, so Warrior Motorcycle Accident Lawyers make regular donations to local resources for low-income families. We believe that people like you should not be financially ruined after an accident takes away your ability to earn a living.