What is a Personal Injury Lawyer?

what's a personal injury attorney

Written by Jeremy D. Earle, JD

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May 21, 2023

Colorado Springs’ Best Accident Injury Lawyer

A personal injury attorney may be necessary for you if you’ve been seriously injured as a result of the carelessness of another party.

A personal injury lawyer offers several services to help you navigate the difficult legal process of seeking the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

However, before you start, you may wonder, “What exactly is a personal injury lawyer?” Do I really need a personal injury attorney ? In the aftermath of an accident, do I need a lawyer to represent me? You’ll feel more comfortable moving ahead with your choice if you’ve answered these questions.


When another person or organization, such as a business or corporation, a government agency, or a private individual, causes harm to another person due to their acts, a personal injury lawyer may help.

Victims of personal injury may turn to personal injury attorneys for help in their pursuit of monetary restitution from those responsible for their injuries.


A personal injury lawyer represents the victim of an accident and argues for the victim throughout the legal procedure. Several different types of services are included under this umbrella.

No matter whether the victim has to take the firm to a court or if the corporation gives a fair payment, there is no need to worry about it. Being represented by an attorney may raise your chances of receiving the full compensation you are entitled to and provide a variety of additional benefits. A lawyer for personal injury can:

Don’t forget to gather any proof that might help your case. It’s possible that the evidence gathered throughout your accident may result in a higher settlement amount for you.

You may need to show that another person or business was responsible for your accident to get the maximum compensation you are entitled to. Examples of evidence include:

  • All the photos were taken on the spot.
  • Testimony of eyewitnesses
  • Traffic cameras and security cameras are examples of video evidence.
  • Testimonials from the doctors and nurses who treated you after the accident

Educate you on how to get the remuneration you’re due. Getting injured in an accident might leave you unsure of your legal options for recovering financial damages.

A common compensation option is an offer for lost wages if you cannot return to your job after an injury. Medical costs and pain and suffering are often included.

Several variables influence the compensation you get, including the policy limitations of the person or corporation at fault, the severity of your injuries, and the degree to which your disabilities impair your quality of life in the future. An expert personal injury attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve.

An experienced personal injury attorney can help you decide whether to accept a settlement offer and when to keep fighting for more money in damages.

It is frequently because the insurance company fails to make a fair offer or does not consider the reality of your injuries that you need the assistance of an attorney when deciding whether or not to go to court.

We will speak with and negotiate on your behalf with the insurance provider. In many cases, dealing with the insurance company is the most challenging element of the recovery process after an accident. You need to be careful if you say anything that might compromise your chances of getting the full compensation you deserve.

However, certain talks with the insurance provider may remain off-limits. In addition, you may not know what insurance companies want from you or how to provide them with the information they need to make a judgement after an accident.

Hiring a lawyer to represent you in insurance disputes has several benefits. You’ll not only be relieved of some of the burdens of recovering from your injuries, but you’ll also be able to avoid making errors that might endanger or postpone your compensation.

Boost your chances of getting the compensation you’re due from your insurance provider. With the advice of a lawyer, many people may improve their insurance settlements.

In many cases, the presence of a lawyer indicates that you are taking the matter seriously. When insurance adjusters realize they have to deal with a lawyer, they tend to give bigger settlements.

Throughout the process, provide important advice. Additionally, a lawyer can provide crucial legal advice on dealing with the insurance company and other aspects of the recovery process.

For those with long-term or short-term impairments, physical therapists and others who can assist adapt their homes and vehicles may sometimes be referred to by attorneys. But they can also assist you in preparing a personal injury claim by guiding you through life’s challenges.

What should you do if someone posts about your injuries on social media? It’s unclear whether your regular activities should be restricted to prevent an allegation that you’ve misrepresented your ailments.

When making these critical choices, having the guidance of an attorney may help you avoid costly blunders and maximize your settlement award.

Represent you in court if you need to make a legal claim. As a result of representing oneself in court, you may lose out on important evidence, misplace documentation, or not know how to proceed with your case. It is easier to navigate the waters of a court case when you have an attorney on your side to assist you present facts and arguing for the best potential pay.

Do you need a personal injury lawyer?

After an injury-causing event, many individuals question whether or not they need the services of a personal injury lawyer. They mistakenly believe that a personal injury attorney adds legal fees to their medical expenditures. Is it possible for you to manage your injury claim?

No, and the following are the reasons behind my stance:

Is there anything I can do to help you? An attorney may make a big difference in your ability to get compensation for your injuries in any accident. Without a lawyer’s help, insurance companies are often unwilling or unable to provide fair compensation or settlement offers. When you don’t know how much medical treatment will cost or the time you’ll lose at work due to your injuries; the insurance adjuster may give you a low first settlement. They will fight harder if the corporation thinks you don’t grasp the law or how much compensation you are entitled to.

Do you have a long-term health care strategy in place? You may require continuing medical treatment or physical therapy to help you get back on your feet as quickly as possible after a catastrophic injury. Your treatment plan may not be clear at first, and you may not know how much it will cost.

But an expert personal injury lawyer will have seen similar injuries before and know how much it will cost to heal fully. Having an attorney on your side might help ensure you don’t lose out on any cash in a settlement.

When dealing with an insurance provider, are you aware of the numerous problems you may run into? Many folks don’t know how to talk to their insurance provider about their accident or injury.

They’re clueless about what to say or how to talk. In addition, severe pain drugs may be required after a major injury. Some of these drugs may impair your thinking or make it difficult for you to recall how to carry out routine duties.

You may avoid errors and boost your chances of getting the compensation you deserve for your injuries by Having a lawyer to communicate speak on your behalf.

What if you’re involved in a car crash? A common misconception is that the insurance company would immediately cover your injuries if you’re in a car accident. In many cases, consumers think that the organization has a fixed payment scale or that they would never raise their payment amount.

This assumption is incorrect. When it comes to lost wages or compensation for pain and suffering, an attorney may often help you get a better deal, particularly if you’ve been injured on the job. It’s still impossible to put a number on suffering because different individuals may react differently to the same traumas. A lawyer may be a valuable resource if you need assistance negotiating on your behalf. An expert personal injury attorney can help you get the highest amount of compensation possible from your insurance company.

Do you have a legitimate compensation claim? Several essential criteria are required to bring a personal injury lawsuit. To file a claim for financial compensation, you must first show that you have sustained substantial injuries.

After minor injuries, you may wish to see a lawyer for a free consultation see whether you need to proceed with your claim. The need for further compensation may arise in the event of more catastrophic injuries.

After that, you must show that your injuries were caused by someone else’s breach of duty of care to you. Depending on the circumstances, you may have to show that the doctor assigned to treat you failed to give the care necessary to treat your injuries, misdiagnosed you, or caused you more harm while administering treatment.

As part of an abuse case, you may need to show that a senior was abused while in the care of nursing home workers. You were injured directly because of this breach of duty of care, or at the very least, it contributed substantially to your injuries.

No personal injury lawsuits in which the plaintiff created their injuries. Because the business did not breach their duty of care and did not cause your injuries, if you opted to climb a shelf and fell, you may not be able to file a personal injury claim against them.

Consulting with an attorney may guide how to proceed after an accident, even if you don’t feel a personal injury claim is warranted. Free consultation from a lawyer may help determine whether you have a personal injury case and how to proceed.

You’ve been hurt; do you know who’s responsible? Insurance firms and corporate representatives may have difficulty determining who is responsible for an accident or series of injuries.

In many cases, it’s difficult to figure out who’s responsible for covering your medical expenses, missed wages, and emotional distress. By working with a personal injury attorney, he or she can assist you in sorting through the legal jargon and identifying who is responsible for your injuries. A lawyer’s assistance may be required if you consider various persons or businesses.

Are you dealing with a bad faith insurance company? Contacting a personal injury lawyer might help you get the compensation you deserve even after a minor accident if the insurance company utilises bad faith techniques or fails to give it to you.

For more information, contact a personal injury attorney.

You may need the assistance of a personal injury lawyer if you or a loved one has been injured severely or permanently as a result of the carelessness of another party.

A knowledgeable, experienced attorney may discuss your case for free and without commitment since most personal injury attorneys handle cases on a contingency fee basis and give free consultations.

There are a variety of attorney types.

Even while all lawyers are capable of practising law and providing legal advice, most lawyers and law firms prefer to specialize in a particular field of law.

With so many rules governing society, lawyers generally prefer to specialize in one field of law to become specialists and give their clients the best possible level of experience in that area.

Some examples: include how married couples divide assets or child custody in a divorce or what rights an accident victim may have after an accident.

Injured people’s lawyers

These are incidents in which another party’s carelessness seriously harms one person. Personal injury lawyers  may handle various cases, from medical negligence to car accidents. “

They can help clients understand their right to compensation, providing them with vital information about how much compensation they deserve and what type of settlement offer they should receive; investigate the claim to identify all parties that might share liability for the accident; and put together an effective claim that displays how much compensation the victim deserves, often including a compelling argument that can help sway the liable party or insurance company.


Accused criminals benefit from the services of criminal defense attorneys. They assist in analyzing the case’s evidence and determining what the client might anticipate.

They may help review the evidence and argue that an innocent person did not conduct the crime, or they can assist reduce the penalty faced by someone with clear evidence to indicate that they did commit a crime. Negotiating plea agreements or going to trial may be handled by a criminal defense attorney.


In each of the 50 states, employees’ rights in the workplace are spelt out. Employees may be terminated for any cause under their employment contracts, but employers are prohibited from discriminating.

Employers that withhold salaries from their employees may face serious legal implications if they violate the terms of their employment contracts. Wage withholding, discrimination, and other significant work issues may be addressed with the assistance of an employment lawyer.


Family lawyers  attorneys may handle everything from drafting a will to finalising a divorce. There are times when a family lawyer can assist you in navigating the tricky waters of a child custody struggle or an estate dispute and better understand your rights.

Divorce and private adoptions are two more areas where family attorneys might be of assistance.


Corporate attorneys are responsible for ensuring that corporate contracts are handled to benefit their clients. For example, they may check through contracts and make sure they’re legal, whether in negotiations or dealing with complex difficulties.

There may be legal conflicts related to the company, such as possible damage claims or claims against risky activities made by the customer, that corporate attorneys may aid with.

Bankruptcy attorneys

Having a bankruptcy lawyer on your side may be quite beneficial for someone who is going through bankruptcy and needs assistance understanding their options.

An attorney’s job is to assist clients in understanding their legal rights during bankruptcy, including what assets they may retain, how to manage their payments and which debts will not be discharged. Additionally, bankruptcy attorneys may be able to assist clients in negotiating deals with creditors on debts tied to assets that their clients may want to preserve

Lawyers that specialize in immigration law

A lawyer’s job is to assist clients in negotiating the complicated process of obtaining a visa or green card. People unfamiliar with the immigration procedure may find it difficult to enter the United States.

Immigrants may rely on an immigration lawyer to assist them through the complicated procedure and guarantee they avoid excessive expenses, deportation or criminal charges.

What exactly does a lawyer do?

These services may be provided by a lawyer on behalf of their client.

First and foremost, a lawyer can help you understand your legal options.

As a result, many individuals are unaware of their complete legal rights when they find themselves in a court battle. Personal injury attorneys, for example, often discover that victims of major accidents are unaware of the full extent of the compensation they are entitled to.

People who aren’t aware of their legal options are more likely to accept a low-ball settlement offer from the insurance company than to fight for the full compensation they are entitled to due to their injuries.

emergency room bill  alone may jack up your monthly expenses. Many serious injuries need long-term care, which may make it difficult to keep up with medical expenditures. Unfortunately, even when insurance has paid its share, many consumers neglect to examine the entire scope of their costs.

Often, an attorney’s viewpoint helps the wounded person grasp the compensation they need for their injuries, which may prevent them from accepting that low settlement offer out of a lack of knowledge of the legal procedure and the money they deserve.

2. It is possible for a lawyer to thoroughly investigate every aspect of any claim or case.

An attorney specializing in personal injury law cases may go deep into an event’s circumstances to determine precisely what caused it. They’re trying to figure out precisely who was at fault and what else could have had a role. That might need an investigation of a wide range of variables.

Consider the case of a person who was hurt in a collision with a pizza delivery truck. The accident occurred while the delivery driver was working. They failed to yield to oncoming vehicles and caused serious injuries.

The delivery driver may have caused the collision. Further inquiry may reveal that they were using a portable GPS gadget or cell phone instead of looking around the traffic to find the delivery location. Their insurance company might cover the other driver’s injuries at that time.

However, a closer look may reveal that the guilty driver worked for a corporation that demanded very short delivery timeframes. Depending on how long it took them to return to the restaurant, they may be disciplined or even fired.

Consequently, he drove at a high rate of speed while making deliveries. When they collided, their speed had risen over the posted limit for that section of road.

An accident caused by an employee’s carelessness might result in a claim for damages against his or her employer. An employer may be held responsible for its employees’ actions while working. Hence drivers may likewise be held jointly liable.

It is possible to expose all parties who may share responsibility for the accident and, thus, the accountable party’s injuries if an attorney handles the case. In a personal injury case, identifying all parties at fault serves a dual function.

To begin, you may hold those responsible for your injuries accountable for their conduct by identifying all guilty parties involved in the accident. It’s also possible to raise your compensation by identifying many parties that share responsibility for your injury.


As a result of another’s carelessness, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries. This usually necessitates dealing with an insurance company. It is possible to submit a claim with the other driver’s vehicle insurance carrier in the event of a major automobile accident.

A premises liability accident may necessitate filing a claim with the business’s property auto insurance . The doctor’s medical malpractice insurance must be dealt with by those who have been wounded due to medical negligence.

Insurance firms often engage in aggressive litigation to keep their payouts to a minimum. They have their staff committed to keeping the business safe.

A team of investigators will examine the accident and hunt for evidence that you were to blame for your injuries. Based on the premise that you did not suffer as severe an injury as you previously stated, they may argue that you are not entitled to compensation.

They’ll often attempt to persuade you to accept a meagre settlement offer from them. You may feel pressured to accept such offers, particularly as time passes following the disaster. It’s fairly uncommon for insurance firms to attempt to convince customers that it will be gone forever if they don’t accept an offer at the moment.

A lawyer on your behalf may handle negotiations. The insurance company can send these proposals via your lawyer instead of engaging directly with you and exerting pressure on you. Many of these critical conversations may be handled by your lawyer.

Do you know what to post about your accident on social media? Is it necessary for you to submit a medical examination by a third party? When the insurance company calls, what should you say?

There are several possible stumbling blocks along the way to making a personal injury claim, which might prevent you from receiving the full amount of compensation you are entitled to. On the other hand, a seasoned personal injury lawyer.

Attorney, JEREMY D. EARLE, JD, specializes in personal injury cases.

Having an attorney on your side may help you avoid mistakes that might severely reduce the amount you are entitled to receive.

Even though most personal injury lawsuits are settled out of court, a few have to be prosecuted to be resolved.

Attorneys can assist you in making the best possible case by describing your difficulties due to your injury.

If you were injured in an accident because of someone else’s carelessness, you might be entitled to compensation.

Do you need a personal injury lawyer’s services to proceed with your claim?

Learn more about your rights to compensation by Contact a personal injury attorney now.

Free Consultation


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