Six Crucial Steps to Take Following a Motorcycle Accident
There’s nothing quite like the sensation of riding a motorcycle. The open road experience is relaxing and enjoyable until another car fails to share the road. The lack of protection for riders and passengers raises the risk of serious injury in the event of a collision.
While motorcycle riders have the same rights as other drivers, drivers frequently fail to see them, crowd them off the road, or simply fail to yield the right-of-way. Whatever the cause, no one should suffer significant and life-changing injuries due to someone else’s irresponsibility.
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, you should consult with a Colorado motorcycle accident attorney. Warrior Motorcycle Accident Attorneys, has created this 6-step checklist to assist you in the event of an accident; for more information, call 719-300-1100 today.
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Seek medical help. Immediately
Following an accident, you should contact 911 and get medical assistance as soon as possible. While this may seem like a no-brainer following a motorcycle accident, not all injuries manifest immediately.
After the immediate shock of the collision has worn off, you may realize that you can stand, stroll about, and determine that you are alright. Internal injuries, such as internal bleeding and organ damage, may not be visible and must be diagnosed by a medical practitioner. Here are a few examples of medical diseases that might cause delayed symptoms:
Neck discomfort: Neck pain may be a sign of a sprain, often known as whiplash. Whiplash is the quick back-and-forth movement of the neck caused by a rear-end collision. Whiplash causes a variety of symptoms, including headaches, neck stiffness, and discomfort with neck movement. In more difficult situations, you may have blurred vision, ringing in your ears (tinnitus), and memory issues.
Neck discomfort may also be a symptom of other problems, such as fractured bones or torn tissue. If you have neck stiffness after a motorcycle accident, don’t dismiss it as just discomfort. Rather, seek prompt medical assistance to acquire an accurate diagnosis.
Abdominal discomfort: Internal bleeding is exceedingly dangerous and may go undetected for hours or even days. Large regions of deep purple bruising, swelling, disorientation and fainting are all possible symptoms. Abdominal discomfort accompanied by internal bleeding might result in life-threatening situations, therefore seek medical attention.
Seeking prompt medical treatment is critical for your health and keeping a medical record of your injuries. If you decide to go to court, medical records might be crucial Evidence.
The medical shock might result after a motorcycle accident. Medical shock is a highly dangerous disease that, if left untreated, may end in death. While you may believe you know your body better than anyone else, the abrupt shock of a motorcycle accident might alter your perception. Following your accident, make quick medical treatment your main concern.
Refuse to Admit Fault
Some individuals may feel compelled to apologize after an accident, but doing so may cause others to assume you are at blame. It is the responsibility of law enforcement to determine who is to blame for an accident. Such a jarring and distressing encounter may leave you puzzled and perplexed. Do not accept blame immediately after an accident.
A motorcycle collision may have chaotic aftermath. You may be able to identify the second motorist involved as people gather around the area. If a spectator claims to have seen the accident, you should talk with them. An eyewitness description of how the event happened might be quite useful later on.
Cooperating with law police and emergency personnel is in your best interests. You may help the official report of the accident by stating responding authorities. It is critical to maintain open communication with first responders to obtain the proper care for your injuries.
A motorcycle accident is unexpected, unpleasant, and frightening. If you have been injured due to another driver’s negligence, contact 911, obtain a medical checkup, and don’t accept responsibility.
Gather Evidence
Smartphone technological advancements allow for the collection of critical Evidence at the spot. If possible, use your phone to take video, photos, and witness contact information. Any evidence gathered at the site will be useful in any subsequent lawsuit.
When your injuries are too serious about gathering Evidence, enlist the help of a witness. Riders’ phones often do not survive the collision, necessitating the assistance of others in gathering Evidence at the site. Don’t be afraid to seek assistance.
Keep an eye out for news coverage of the disaster from local television stations, online and print publications, and social media accounts. News stories and social media postings may reveal previously undisclosed information that needs additional research.
Maintain Control of Your Anger
When you are engaged in an accident, it is common to feel a variety of emotions. Many riders develop a personal bond with their motorcycle after spending significant money on equipment, extras, and maintenance. When your bike gets knocked out from under you, it will be ruined, just like you. Following a motorcycle accident, you may experience anger as a result of:
the other driver’s irresponsibility;
the loss of your bike; or
the injuries incurred by you or your passenger.
Refrain from confronting the other motorist soon after an accident. Witnesses to the encounter may subsequently accuse you of being the aggressor. Because of the emotional experience of an accident, aggressive conduct aimed towards the driver may evoke an unanticipated reaction. Aggression may result in a physical confrontation or serve as the foundation for subsequent false allegations.
Because of the growing use of quick video and social media, the accident may be broadcast to the world before you even leave the site. It’s easier said than done, but staying calm at the collision scene is critical. Losing your calm will only come back to haunt you later on in the legal process.
Evaluate the Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Every motorcycle accident is unique. A major accident may result in a wide range of injuries. Depending on the extent of your injuries, you may be required to pay the following medical expenses:
Spinal cord damage
This sort of injury is often connected with paralysis. Spinal cord injuries may need a variety of medical demands, such as power chairs for mobility and car adaptations for effective transportation. Furthermore, housing changes may be required to allow disability accessibility.
Spinal cord injuries may need the use of an in-home caregiver continuously. Simple everyday actions like showering and dressing might be difficult to do without help. According to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, the lifelong expenses of a spinal cord injury may run into millions of dollars per year.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
A traumatic brain injury has far-reaching consequences for a person. TBI, at the least, affects normal brain function, and the more serious the damage, the more therapy and long-term care your loved one may need.
Aside from medical treatment, you may discover that providing day-to-day care for your loved one is daunting. Placement in a skilled care facility may be required, which will undoubtedly be expensive and emotionally taxing. Of course, you want to be able to care for your loved one on your own, but his or her requirements may be too much for you to manage.
Numerous shattered bones: The power of impact when a person impacts a hard surface might result in multiple bone fractures. A broken or crushed bone often needs surgery, casts, braces, physical therapy, and personal care support. Severe injuries, such as breaking your back may result in lost work time and persistent discomfort for the rest of your life.
Damages Calculation
A personal injury lawyer may assist you in calculating your potential medical expenses. Patients who have suffered serious and persistent injuries are likely to need many surgeries and numerous hospital stays.
Aside from fighting for proper compensation, having legal counsel gives you peace of mind while dealing with the repercussions of a horrific situation. Each case and conclusion is unique, but with an experienced personal injury attorney on your side, you will be able to concentrate on your health.
Unfortunately, many motorcycle accident victims do not survive. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcyclists are 27 times more likely to die in a car accident. Furthermore, motorists are at Fault in more than half of all multi-car accidents involving motorcyclists.
When someone you care about dies due to a motorcycle accident caused by a careless driver, you may want to consider filing a wrongful death claim. A personal injury lawyer may advise you on who should file the claim and how much compensation to seek.
While wrongful death cases might be complicated, you may be able to get compensation for medical expenses, lost income, and loss of companionship. No amount of money can compensate for the death of a loved one, but a compensation award may help alleviate the financial obligations that arise.
Speak with a Personal Injury Lawyer
The majority of personal injury lawyers provide free first case reviews. The statute of limitations in Colorado establishes a severe time restriction for pursuing personal injury claims. The sooner an attorney can analyze the specifics of your case, the sooner they can advise you on the best course of action.
Because time is of importance, select the best counsel for your case as soon as possible. Obtaining the services of a personal injury attorney who is well-versed in motorcycle accident litigation is critical to success. While each case is unique, you may be entitled to significant financial compensation for medical costs, lost earnings, and pain and suffering.
A personal injury lawyer has the information, training, abilities, and experience needed to deal with adversity from insurance companies. A lawyer who understands how Colorado law relates to personal injury lawsuits is critical to the success of your claim. Pursuing justice on your own would almost certainly leave you disillusioned and unsatisfied.
How Can Warrior Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Assist You? Insurance companies want to settle claims as soon as possible. While it may make an initial settlement offer that seems to be a large sum of money, it may not be sufficient to meet future medical expenses.
Insurance company representatives solely have the best interests of the corporation in mind. Never feel compelled to participate in a conversation or accept any offer made to you. Instead, speak with a personal injury lawyer who can best represent you and safeguard your best interests.
A skilled Colorado personal injury lawyer knows how painful and distressing a motorcycle accident can be. Attorneys will exert proper pressure on insurance companies while staying sensitive with their clients and communicative.
Hiring an attorney to assist you in dealing with pushy insurance reps can allow you to obtain the rest you need. Knowing you have an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side will give you peace of mind during this trying time.
As a licensed motorcycle driver, you have the privilege to ride your motorcycle in the warm Colorado sunlight. When another driver’s careless acts cause you substantial damage, explore all of your legal alternatives. When negotiating a fair settlement, there is often no fast remedy, just as there is no quick repair for your injuries.
While talks take time, the majority of personal injury claims are settled without ever getting to court. If an attorney cannot persuade an insurance company to accept the sort of payment you deserve, they will fight for your rights in court, even if it means going to trial.
A motorcycle accident is a frightening and unexpected occurrence. If this happens to you or someone you care about, your lives will be altered. Negligent drivers are hazardous drivers, and holding them responsible may save someone else from being involved in the same disaster.
If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, whether you are the rider, a passenger, or a bystander, you should seek emergency medical attention and stay as calm as possible. You may concentrate on your treatment now and justice afterward by taking a big breath.
What Happens to Your Brain in a Motorcycle Crash?
Motorcycle Accidents in Colorado and Brain Injuries
The brain is one of the most devastating injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. Because a motorcycle lacks the stability of four-wheeled cars and the safety features of cars, such as a steel frame, seat belts, and airbags, the rider is more likely to be ejected following a collision.
After they are ejected, every item that comes into touch with their head or body has the potential to inflict significant harm or death.
Traumatic brain injuries are caused by a quick or strong impact on the head or body, which is often the result of a rider being thrown from his or her motorcycle during an accident. A helmet is presently the sole piece of equipment that can prevent a rider from suffering this sort of injury in the event of a motorcycle accident.
Continue reading to learn more about what might happen to your brain in a motorcycle accident. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
All of the body’s voluntary and involuntary reactions are controlled by the brain. The brain is divided into lobes, each of which is responsible for a different body function. The brain has a limited potential to heal after it has been injured, which means that many of the deficiencies caused by the original lesion will be permanent.
Here’s a breakdown of the various lobes of the brain and how they’re affected by injury:
Frontal lobe: The frontal lobe is in charge of processes including attention, concentration, speech, emotional and behavioral impulse control, personality, planning, and judgement. Communication problems, a lack of behavioral or emotional control, and trouble remembering events may be symptoms of frontal lobe injuries.
Temporal lobe: The temporal lobe is in charge of remembering, understanding spoken language, sequencing, and organizing, among other things. Injury to this area of the brain might cause memory and communication problems.
Occipital lobe: The fundamental function of the occipital lobe is vision. Blindness or trouble recognizing the size and form of things may result from occipital lobe injuries.
Parietal lobe: The sensation of touch, depth perception, and size, shape, and color recognition are all functions of the parietal lobe. The five basic sensations of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell may all be affected by damage to this part of the brain.
Cerebellum: The cerebellum is in charge of processes including balance and skilled motor activity. The inability to balance or move in a coordinated way may result from impairment to this area of the brain.
Brain stem: The brain is in charge of the body’s automatic reactions, including breathing, heart rate, arousal, and awareness. Damage to this area of the brain might cause consciousness problems or even death if the body cannot function without the help of mechanical devices to carry out automatic reflexes.
The effects of a brain injury differ depending on which side of the brain was damaged.
The right side of the brain controls left-side movement and attributes like creativity, imagination, conceptual thinking, empathy, and symbolic communication.
The left side of the brain controls movement on the right side of the body, as well as traits like
analysis, logic, precision, organization, and literal thinking.
A right-brain injury can result in visual memory deficits, changes in visual perception, altered creativity and music perception, and decreased control of the movements on the left side of the body. A lesion to the left side of the brain may cause problems with right-side movement and trouble speaking or interpreting language, faulty reasoning, and sequencing problems.
Complications Associated with Brain Injuries
When a person suffers a traumatic brain injury due to a motorcycle accident, most of the first treatment will focus on making sure the individual can breathe and determining their level of awareness.
Consciousness problems, which may cause changes in a person’s consciousness. Medical practitioners will also be searching for indicators of recognized sequelae of this sort of damage, such as:
A coma is defined as a loss of consciousness that lasts at least 24 hours; a vegetative state is defined as an individual who can open his or her eyes, make sounds, and respond to reflexes but is unaware of his or her surroundings; a minimally conscious state is defined as an individual who has a limited sense of self and surroundings; and brain death is defined as when all activity in the brain, including the brain stem, has ceased.
Seizures are prevalent in the first few hours and days following an injury but may also recur months or even years later. Anti-seizure medicine is given to many individuals early on. Recurrent seizures characterize Post-traumatic epilepsy after a brain injury.
Infections from open wounds on the skull or other regions of the body. In most cases, those who have suffered brain damage in a motorcycle accident also have additional ailments, such as open wounds. Each damage is a chance for germs to enter the body, perhaps resulting in an infection. A fever is generally the first indicator of infection in someone who has had a brain injury. On the other hand, a fever might be caused by injury to the region of the brain that regulates body temperature.
Damage to blood vessels in the brain puts the wounded person at a greater risk of getting a stroke, blood clots, and other potentially fatal complications.
Hydrocephalus is the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. Increased pressure in the brain as a consequence of fluid accumulation might lead to severe harm. A surgically implanted shunt is often necessary to drain this fluid away from the brain to minimize additional pressure.
Living with a Brain Injury Has a High Price Tag
Because of the possibility of lasting disabilities and consequences resulting from a brain injury, persons who have sustained one risk lifetime medical expenses ranging from $85,000 to $3 million, the fact that many brain-injured people are unable to return to work following their accident adds to the expenses.
Every aspect of a person’s life is affected by a brain injury. After an accident, those who can return to work may need modifications such as fewer or shorter workdays, reduced workloads, and more frequent breaks.
The person may have social issues as a result of the damage. Participating in public activities or community events is difficult, if not impossible, for brain-damaged persons due to loss of behavioral and impulsive control, as well as mobility challenges.
The injury has caused severe financial and emotional hardship for the whole family at home. Spouses, children, and parents are often forced to take on the role of caretaker for their brain- injured loved ones, and spouses commonly experience loss of consortium, which refers to the loss of physical intimacy and companionship due to the damage.
More than half of the homeless population in the United States is suffering from a brain injury. While some of those injuries were caused by the harsh and sometimes hazardous circumstances of homelessness, others were caused by the injury itself, with all of its complications and pressures.
How Helmets Can Aid in the Prevention of Brain Damage in Motorcycle Accidents
Helmeted motorcyclists are substantially less likely than those who were not wearing a helmet at the time of the collision to suffer a traumatic brain injury, according to the findings of research done by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on helmet usage.
While both helmeted and unhelmeted motorcyclists were hospitalized or died due to their injuries sustained in the accident, those riding without a helmet at the time of the crash were more likely to sustain a moderate to severe brain injury.
Median hospital charges for those suffering a brain injury were 13 times higher than those who did not—$31,979 compared to $2,461.
People who had experienced a traumatic brain injury were considerably less likely to be released from the hospital to their homes than those who had not. Instead, they were more likely to die, be admitted to a rehabilitation center, or be transferred to a long-term care institution.
While wearing a helmet is the only preventive strategy known to lower the risk of traumatic brain damage from a motorcycle accident, not all helmets are made equal. Helmets must be certified by the Department of Transportation (DOT) in several places where they are required. Helmets that the Department of Transportation has authorized (DOT) meet federal safety criteria. Helmets that the DOT has authorized are marked with a sticker indicating that they fulfil the requirements.
When looking for a safe helmet, check for the following features:
A one-inch thick polystyrene foam inner lining. You should be able to feel the thickness of the liner even if you can’t see it. Unapproved helmets usually feature light foam cushioning or are just a shell with no padding.
A helmet weighs roughly three pounds and has a durable chin strap with firm rivets to keep the
helmet from falling off the rider’s head after an accident.
An authorized helmet will not have spikes or other embellishments protruding more than two- tenths of an inch from the face.
Smaller or thinner helmets are often not safety-certified. Other considerations when choosing a helmet include:
Never buy a worn helmet. It’s time to replace your helmet if it’s been in an accident or if it’s been
dropped from a great height.
Make sure the helmet you buy fits correctly on your head since a loose-fitting helmet provides less protection.
If the helmet is easy to put on or move around with your fingers, it is not correctly suited to your
Damages from a brain injury may be recoverable.
Individuals who have sustained a traumatic brain injury in a motorcycle accident may face a lifetime of financial hardship. However, there is a procedure for recovering those costs and being paid for the effects your disability has had on your life. A motorcycle accident lawsuit is a civil lawsuit brought after a motorcycle accident. You must prove that the accident was caused by someone else’s reckless or irresponsible activity to claim damages.
The driver of a car or truck who was speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol, distracted driving, tired driving, or failing to yield at a stop sign or red light, to name a few examples of guilty parties in motorcycle accidents.
The owner of a car whose occupant “doors” you.
The maker or distributor of car or motorcycle components proves that a car equipment malfunction caused your accident. Dooring is a dangerous situation when the occupant of a parked car on the side of the road opens the door into the path of an oncoming motorcycle.
Following a motorcycle accident that results in brain damage, an expert motorcycle accident injury attorney can help you through the legal alternatives open to you.