Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys in Colorado Springs
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) may drastically alter one’s life. When the brain is injured by force trauma, it is referred to as a TBI. They may be caused by vehicle accidents, bicycle accidents, or any other kind of head trauma. TBI affects 1.5 million individuals per year, not counting those in the military. Mild TBIs are not typically reported to medical professionals. Thus experts think the incidence is substantially higher.
Brain trauma may have a wide range of consequences on your life. It may induce headaches, ringing in the ears, memory loss, and sleep loss, making it difficult to concentrate. The physical symptoms of a TBI, on the other hand, are often associated with Depression.
Depression is a severe condition. Depression is more than just being sad onoccasion. Depression is along-term melancholy accompanied by a severe loss of energy and an inability to enjoy regular activities.
Depression is an illness that may be treated. If you’re depressed or have a traumatic brain injury, you should visit a doctor right once. One-fifth (15%) of persons who have been diagnosed with Depression commit suicide. Click here for additional information about suicide prevention.
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What is Depression, exactly?
A sensation of grief, loss, despair, or hopelessness that improves with time but is overpowering enough to interfere with everyday living is known as Depression. Feeling gloomy or losing interest in typical activities happens at least several days each week and lasts for more than two weeks; this is the reason for worry.
- Loss of interest or pleasure in typical activities
- Feeling down, sad, dismal, or hopeless symptoms of depression.
- You may feel useless, guilty, or like a failure.
- Sleep or appetite changes.
- Inability to concentrate.
- Isolation from others.
- Fatigue or a lack of energy.
- Feeling restless or fidgety, or moving or speaking more slowly.
- Suicide or death thoughts
Sadness is a natural reaction to the losses and changes that a person experiences following a TBI. Long-term melancholy or a lack of enjoyment in activities you used to like are common markers of Depression, particularly if you have any of the other symptoms mentioned above.
Is Depression frequent after a TBI?
Depression is a typical side effect of a TBI. Within the first year following a TBI, almost half of all persons suffer from Depression. Within seven years after the damage, even more people (almost two-thirds) were injured. Depression is far less common in the general population, affecting fewer than one person in ten over a year. More than half of those who are sad after a TBI also have substantial anxiety.
What causes Depression after a traumatic brain injury?
Depression after a TBI is caused by various reasons, which vary greatly from person to person.
Injuries to the brain cause physical changes. Injury to the parts of the brain that govern emotions may lead to Depression. Changes in neurotransmitters, which are natural substances found in the brain, may lead to Depression.
The emotional reaction to the damage. Depression may also develop due to a person’s inability to adapt to a temporary or permanent handicap, losses, or changes in position within the family or community.
Non-injury-related factors Depression is more common in certain persons due to inherited genes, personal or family history, and other factors before brain damage.
What can you do if you’ve had a TBI and you’re depressed?
If you are experiencing depressive symptoms, it is critical that you get assistance as soon as possible, ideally from a healthcare practitioner experienced with TBI. Depression is not a weakness, and it is not the fault of anybody. Depression, like high blood pressure or diabetes, maybe a medical issue.
You can’t just wish it away, use more willpower, or “toughen up” your way out of sadness. To avoid unnecessary pain and symptoms increasing, it is preferable to get treatment as soon as possible.
If you’re having suicidal thoughts, get treatment right immediately. If you are having suicidal thoughts or have made a suicide plan, contact 911, the National Crisis Hotline at 800-273-8255, or go to an emergency facility right away.
The good news is that most persons with Depression may benefit from antidepressant drugs and psychotherapy (counseling) therapies or a combination of the two.
Antidepressant drugs function by assisting in rebalancing the brain’s natural chemicals (known as neurotransmitters). Antidepressants aren’t “addictive,” as some people believe.
It’s also crucial to remember that, although antidepressants may assist with Depression, they don’t have to be used indefinitely. Medication may sometimes help rebalance the brain’s chemistry and then be stopped (for example, after 6-12 months). However, since each person’s circumstance is different, taking and stopping antidepressants should always be done under the guidance of a specialist.
Antidepressants may assist with various symptoms of Depression, such as low energy, poor attention, bad sleep, and decreased appetite, in addition to mood. Certain medications may help with anxiety symptoms.
Antidepressant drugs are classified into a variety of “classes.” Some courses may perform better than others in treating Depression after a TBI, according to research.
The most effective antidepressants for persons with TBI are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs. Sertraline (Zoloft®) and citalopram (Celexa®) are two drugs that may have the fewest adverse effects and even enhance cognition (thinking ability).
Newer medications like venlafaxine (Effexor®) are serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors or SNRIs.
In most circumstances, antidepressants should be avoided since they have side effects that might be problematic for persons who have had a TBI. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors are among them (MAOIs). Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are often used safely for sleep or pain at low dosages, but they might induce negative effects at greater concentrations.
It might take a few weeks to feel better after beginning antidepressants. If one medicine doesn’t work well enough, your doctor may need to adjust the dosage over time or switch to another. If a single antidepressant is ineffective, two different antidepressants may be administered jointly.
Even if you are feeling better, it is critical to take antidepressant medicine every day. Do not suddenly end it. Your doctor would advise you to take the drug for at least a few months in most circumstances.
Approaches to psychotherapy (counseling)
Psychotherapy and counseling come in a variety of forms. The most successful sorts of treatment for persons with Depression are those that concentrate on daily behavior and thought.
CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) teaches individuals how to modify how they act, think, and feel about events in their lives and how they view themselves. CBT has been shown to improve Depression in the general population. It is presently being investigated to see how best to modify it for those with TBI-related thinking and memory issues.
Behavioral activation treatment assists patients suffering from Depression in becoming more active and resuming their enjoyment of joyful activities. This increased movement aids in the improvement of one’s mood. A competent counselor can assist you in developing a delightful activity regimen and assessing its impact on your mood.
Remember that many individuals benefit from a mix of techniques, such as antidepressant medication combined with behavior-change sessions with a skilled counselor. Other methods of therapy
Exercise, acupuncture, and biofeedback are other methods used to treat Depression in the general population. Some persons with TBI find them beneficial as well. These therapies should be discussed with a clinician who specializes in TBI. Anxiety and pain relief might also assist in alleviating Depression. Brain injury support groups may provide further information and help for Depression and other issues that might arise after a TBI.
Where can I get assistance?
Many mental health specialists are trained to help people who are depressed. Psychiatrists have specific training in depression medication treatment and therapy, whereas psychologists have been trained to give Depression counseling.
Depression therapy is also provided by certain social workers and certified professional counselors. Physicians and nurse practitioners with expertise treating Depression, such as primary care physicians, neurologists, and physiatrists, may frequently begintherapy.
When a complete brain injury rehabilitation program is available, it is advisable to seek therapy from one that can address all elements of TBI recovery. Contact the National Institute of Mental Health at 1-866-615-6464 (toll-free) or visit their website for more general information about Depression.
People who have had a brain injury are substantially more likely to develop Depression. Depression affects ten percent of the population in the United States. Thirty percent (30%) of persons who have had a TBI, on the other hand, suffer from Depression. This is a significant and concerning difference. Regardless of the severity of the TBI, this discrepancy exists.
Counseling and medication are the two most common treatments for Depression. Psychotherapy is a kind of counseling used to treat Depression. Psychotherapy is when a depressed person meets with a certified medical expert regularly to discuss their symptoms and how to cope with them.
Antidepressants are the drugs that are used to treat Depression. Psychotherapy and medications are often used to treat persons who are depressed. It’s vital to remember that antidepressants’ negative effects on persons who simultaneously have a TBI are unknown to professionals and academics.
Stomach difficulties, weight fluctuation, sexual problems, and difficulty sleeping are all common antidepressant side effects. When antidepressants interact with other drugs, the results might be unpredictable. As a result, it’s critical to share your medical and pinjuryaceutical history with your doctor.
When a person suffers from a TBI, the physical symptoms may be life-altering. They may have an impact on your mood, employment, love life, and even family ties. This merely adds to one’s stress levels, exacerbating anxiety and despair. Anxiety may aggravate headaches as well. Unfortunately, TBI and Depression often coexist, and they exacerbate one other. Go here for further information.
If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury or are depressed, you should seek the advice of an experienced personal injury attorney
If you or someone you care about needs assistance recovering from a TBI or Depression, contact one of the skilled lawyers Warrior Car Accident Lawyers. Please contact 719-300-1100 for additional information on how we can help your family with this critical matter; one of our expert lawyers is eager to assist you.