The Most Common Car Accidents in Colorado Springs
Every day, car accidents occur. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 6,734,000 accidents reported to the police in a single year.
That’s nearly 18,000 accidents every day on average.
Thankfully, most of them are minor mishaps. Regardless of the collision’s severity, all car accident victims and insurance companies will want to know one crucial fact: Who is to blame?
Let’s be honest about it. The purpose of all insurance companies is to pay the least amount of money feasible. Regardless of how much they pretend to want to help people, they are in the business of earning money.
While an accident may seem uncomplicated, insurance firms will constantly attempt to turn the situation to their advantage.
However, determining who is at blame is a no-brainer in certain cases. Warrior, Injury Accident Lawyers’ experienced car accident lawyers have detailed a few of these scenarios below. Of course, some accidents seem straightforward, but nothing is as it appears when you and your legal team delve a bit more. That is why you should never debate blame at an accident site. Instead, call our car accident attorneys to determine who is to blame.
They are hidden in the Common Car Accident Scenarios Guide list common car accident scenarios.
Scenario 1: Rear-End Collisions
Scenario 2: A Driver Didn’t Stop at a Stop Sign
Scenario 3: Collisions involving a left turn with no turn signal Scenario 4: Accidents in the Parking Lot
- Factors That Could Affect Fault
- Ways a Car Accident Lawyer Can Assist
Here are some of the most prevalent circumstances and some elements that might influence the outcome of a court case.
Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of collisions. A rear-end collision occurs when one car collides with another from behind. The front end of the “trailing” car collides with the back end of the “leading” car.
Minor rear-end accidents are usually referred to as “fender benders,” but they may cause serious damage. The phrase “fender bender” causes many people, including wounded victims and insurance companies, to underestimate the severity of injuries that may ensue. We realize how much injury a fender collision can inflict. Therefore the correct car accident lawyer will never dismiss your injuries.
Rear-end collisions are among the most prevalent forms of car accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, rear-end collisions accounted for almost half of all two-car accidents during three years! What is the root cause? The inattention of the driver.
Almost often, the at-fault party is the following driver. This situation occurs so often that investigators and insurance companies normally assume the worst. If you are the rear driver, don’t assume you will be held responsible. You’ll need the expertise of an experienced car accident lawyer to show that the front driver was at fault.
As a motorist, you have a duty to maintain a safe driving distance and keep an eye on your surroundings. Even if the lead motorist slammed on the brakes abruptly, the law expects you to have adequate time to stop. This is why tailgating is frowned upon by everyone.
Rear-end collisions may occur anywhere. However, the following are some of the most prevalent places for rear-end collisions:
Stoplights: A rear-end collision might happen in one of two ways at a stoplight. Scenario one: the motorist comes to a complete stop at a red light, but the car in front of them does not. Scenario two: both cars come to a complete stop at a red light, the signal turns green, and the following car overtakes the leading car.
Parking lots: Rear-end collisions are prevalent in parking lots. Cars are constantly stopping and going, which is one of the key causes. As they go through the parking lot, they must stop for pedestrians and other cars. When the back motorist fails to see the driver in front of them stop, an accident might easily occur.
In the center of the road: A rear-end collision might occur when one motorist stops to make a turn or yield to a pedestrian. Most drivers don’t expect to come to a complete stop in the middle of the road, which might catch them off guard.
The freeway: A rush hour may be a nightmare for city drivers. There is a lot of stop- and-go traffic because of the heavy traffic and merging lanes. Accidents often occur when a car comes to an abrupt halt, another motorist unexpectedly enters the road, or a driver accelerates too rapidly. When rear-end accidents occur at high highway speeds, they are much more dangerous.
If you were hurt in a rear-end accident, you should never believe your injuries are minimal or that you won’t be able to show guilt. Instead, contact one of our car accident lawyers for guidance on your legal options.
Drivers who run red lights are a major issue. According to AAA, 939 people died last year due to a car that ran a red light. These figures are steadily increasing.
A T-bone accident, also known as a side-impact or broadside collision, is the most frequent sort of collision that occurs when a car jumps a red light. When the front end of a car collides with the side of another car, this sort of collision happens.
In the case of an accident, the side of a car offers far less protection than other portions of the car. That is why these kinds of collisions are so hazardous.
Whether the car that ran the red light collided with another car or collided with oncoming traffic, the person who ran the red light is usually to blame. You’ll need legal assistance to establish blame and seek compensation from the at-fault motorist.
The following are some of the most common reasons for running a red light:
A popular statement from an extraterrestrial driver who causes an accident in the 1984 film Starman is, “Red light means stop, green light means go, yellow light means go extremely quickly!” While the remark is amusing, it also reflects many drivers’ risky thinking. Of course, the proper response to a yellow light is to slow down and stop when it is safe, and the correct response to a red light is to STOP! When cars attempt to accelerate through yellow lights, the light may turn red as they approach the junction. Other cars may advance and crash with the motorist on their green light.
Driving under the influence is one of the most prevalent reasons drivers run red lights. Driving under the influence of alcohol impairs a driver’s ability to focus, make judgments, and even see well.
Although some states have passed legislation prohibiting the use of cellphones while driving, distracted driving remains a severe issue. When drivers take their eyes off the road to eat, converse, or play on their cellphones, they may not see that the light has gone red, causing injury to others.
Running a red light for any cause is undesirable and illegal. This behavior causes serious injury to others, and anybody who has been hurt should consult with an expert car accident lawyer to determine the best course of action.
Drivers must make a left turn in front of oncoming traffic. This may be quite hazardous at a junction when the motorist does not have a turn signal. Oncoming traffic must be yielded if a car turns left at a green signal. This implies that the driver must wait until there is adequate space to turn, even waiting for many light cycles.
Turning left on solid green lights might take a long time, causing the turning motorist to grow irritated and incur unnecessary risks. While a more experienced and patient driver could wait for a huge window, a hasty motorist can speed through the junction, causing a pile-up.
The car of the turning driver may be stuck on the side or at an angle by an oncoming motorist. The force of the collision may sometimes propel both cars into other lanes, resulting in an even more devastating collision!
An expert car accident lawyer is needed to establish that a turning motorist did not have enough space, made a negligent judgment, and failed to yield. Our car accident attorneys can often get witness testimony or intersection camera evidence that proves the failure to yield. This establishes responsibility for the accident. Please contact us as soon as possible so that this proof does not vanish.
Accidents in parking lots happen all the time. Thankfully, most of these collisions occur at modest speeds and result in minimal injuries. However, even a low-speed collision may result in catastrophic injuries, such as neck and back injuries or other soft tissue damage. Our car accident lawyers have helped clients who have suffered unexpectedly catastrophic injuries in low-speed parking lot collisions.
Here are a few examples of typical parking lot collisions:
While backing out of a parking place, a motorist gets struck. Normally, the motorist backing up would be at blame in this situation. This may sound paradoxical, given that we already know we need to provide adequate room to respond to other cars. However, in this case, the motorist driving ahead has the right of way. Before pulling out of a spot, drivers should always check their mirrors and ensure their area is free.
A car departs a parking area by driving ahead through an open space. Sometimes it simply seems easier to depart your place by driving into the vacant area in front of you rather than backing up. But what if another car doesn’t notice you and pulls into the parking spot at the same time? Again, the outgoing motorist is at fault since they are traveling in the wrong direction, but liability issues may get quite convoluted.
After attempting to enter the same spot, two cars clash. Although it’s possible to claim that the motorist who arrived first had the right of way, this isn’t a legally sound argument. It is illegal to occupy a parking place. It all boils down to who has the right of way in this situation. This is another circumstance when figuring out what to do might be quite difficult.
At the end of an aisle, two cars crash. The crossing should be treated as unsignaled when one motorist reaches the end of an aisle while the other drives perpendicular to the aisles.
While the person driving perpendicular to the aisles may believe they have the right of way since they are in a lane, the person in the aisle may depart the parking lot by continuing into a lane. Several elements come into play in such an event, and determining guilt may be difficult. A knowledgeable attorney can assist in untangling the problem.
You must safeguard your rights regardless of how your parking lot accident happened. Because the collision occurred in a parking lot, the other motorist may dismiss it insignificant. Do not be fooled by this strategy, as you may end up losing out on the compensation you deserve.
Instead, get the details of the other motorist and call 911. Contacting the cops after a parking lot accident may seem stupid, but they can investigate and issue a report if the other motorist broke any rules. Contact our expert car accident law office for legal assistance once physicians have diagnosed your injuries. Parking lot collisions are a significant matter for us, and they should be for you as well.
Every mishap is distinct. While the error may be obvious to an outside observer in certain cases, additional considerations may cause things to become more complicated.
For example, in the first scenario of a rear-end accident, the following motorist is virtually always at blame. But here’s a twist: the front driver was drunk and stopped in the middle of the road for no apparent reason. In this situation, the lead driver is almost certainly at fault.
Never acknowledge fault, even if you believe you were the cause of an accident. Ensure that a car accident lawyer examines the facts of the case.
Consider the following aspects, which may make things more difficult than they appear:
Tired Drivers are equally as hazardous as those who are inebriated. When you’re overworked, your body may shut down without warning. A motorist may come to an abrupt halt, swerve, or begin to slow down.
Drunk drivers are not only reckless but also unpredictable. As a result, it’s difficult to predict their activities. An intoxicated driver may drive too slowly, too quickly, or make sudden stops.
Cars don’t always work as they should. Car owners are responsible for keeping their cars in good working order. When an accident occurs due to inadequate maintenance records, the driver is held responsible. The collision might have been beyond the driver’s control if a faulty component had contributed to the accident. In this instance, the car or component maker may bear some blame.
Collisions are sometimes caused by the conduct of a third party. For example, to avoid a collision, if driver A cuts in front of driver B, driver B may swerve into the opposite lane. Driver B may collide head-on with driver C as a result of this. In this situation, driver A might be held liable for the injuries and losses suffered by drivers B and C.
It’s critical to speak with a personal injury lawyer after an accident that results in injuries. Even if you believe you are somewhat to a fault, a skilled attorney can assist you in evaluating if this is the case (which, in most circumstances, it isn’t!)
Insurance companies aim to ascertain guilt as soon as possible, and they will try to blame someone other than the insured motorist. That is why you should never provide an insurance company a statement without first speaking with a car accident lawyer.
When it comes to proving guilt in an accident, an attorney has various options. This might involve the following:
Speaking with other motorists and witnesses Gathering evidence
Bringing in experts to help recreate the accident
Once the cause of the accident has been determined, a car accident lawyer may assist you in filing an auto insurance claim or, if required, a personal injury lawsuit.
We recognize that accidents may result in catastrophic injuries that have a significant impact on your physical, mental, and financial health. If you were injured in a car accident, you are entitled to just compensation. You are deserving of justice. Get a free case review from an expert car accident lawyer for more information.