The Harm Caused by Denver Dump and Garbage Truck Accidents

Denver Dump and Garbage Truck Accidents

Written by Jeremy D. Earle, JD

February 19, 2023

Experienced Denver Truck Accident ATtorneys

In every city and town around the nation, including Denver, dump and trash trucks are a regular sight. Many people observe garbage trucks and dump trucks gathering waste and travelling through communities daily.

These enormous cars are often more hazardous than the majority of people believe. Garbage trucks may be dangerous to other cars, bicycles, motorcyclists, and pedestrians because of their sheer bulk, blind areas, and frequent pauses.

According to KTAR News, Denver utilizes around 250 cars to collect garbage from over 400,000 houses every week. Consider consulting with an attorney if you were injured in a dump or trash truck accident.

You may be eligible for compensation regardless of whether your accident involved a privately owned or government-operated waste truck. To explore your responsibilities and compensation in your case, speak with an experienced Denver truck accident lawyer.

Dump and garbage trucks come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

In the United States, there are five different kinds of dump and garbage trucks that travel through communities collecting trash:

Trucks with a rear-loader. This is the traditional trash truck, with rubbish collectors hanging from the rear. The fork on these trucks is used to pick up debris from the rear of the car.

Trucks with front-loaders are number two. A hydraulic forklift on these trucks throws rubbish over the front of the car.

Trucks with a side-loader. These trucks have a robotic arm that collects rubbish from the car’s side.

Garbage trucks with roll-off doors. Roll-off trucks gather and transport industrial-grade trash, while the kinds above of dump and garbage trucks collect and transport residential rubbish to a landfill. These cars have a huge bin that they drop down at the curb, fill with garbage, and then pick up a hydraulic lift beside the truck.

Grapple trucks are a good example of this. These trucks, equipped with a grapple loader, are used to load and transport heavy goods.

Frequently, trash and dump trucks collide, resulting in crippling and life-threatening injuries to victims. When a dump or trash truck collides with a passenger car, motorbike, or bicycle, the occupants will likely suffer serious and deadly injuries.

Dump and garbage truck accidents come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Collisions with motor cars are among the most prevalent forms of accidents involving trash and dump trucks.

Collisions with motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians

Dumping garbage that collides with another car

Dumping waste that collides with people or bicycles

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, trash and waste trucks were responsible for 124 deaths in the United States in only one year (FMCSA).

Why Do Dump and Garbage Trucks Involve in Collisions?

A variety of circumstances causes collisions between dump and trash trucks.

Reversing is one of these elements. Even for seasoned trash truck drivers, reversing may be difficult. As a result, many trash and waste truck collisions occur while the car is backing up.

Frequent pauses. These trucks have large blind areas, which means the driver may not see moving or parked cars behind them, much alone people who may come in the path. Garbage trucks make regular stops since they are required to collect trash from every served house or business. As a result, collisions are more likely to occur when the truck comes to a sudden halt, or other cars fail to keep a safe distance.

Even in adverse weather, garbage and dump trucks are on the job. Rain, hail, and fog, for example, may impair a driver’s sight, make roadways slick, and create additional risks that lead to accidents.

## Mistake by the driver. When trash truck drivers make errors or drive carelessly, a huge number of deadly collisions occur. Speeding, failing to cede the right of way, using a mobile phone while driving, failing to indicate one’s intention to turn or change lanes, and other irresponsible activities may lead to avoidable accidents.

When trash truck drivers are impaired by alcohol or drugs, drive while tired, or engage in aggressive driving habits such as tailgating and cutting off other cars, they endanger others.

There are mechanical issues. Not all firms that own and run trash and waste trucks examine and maintain their cars correctly and effectively. Many avoidable collisions occur as a consequence of mechanical issues, such as faulty brakes. Faulty brakes, worn tires, malfunctioning lights or turn signals, and engine and steering difficulties are all instances of mechanical faults.

Debris in the air. It’s not unusual for trash or other debris to fall out of dump and garbage trucks. Other motorists may be harmed by falling debris, which may lead to disastrous accidents. The trash truck driver or garbage collectors may be held accountable if waste spilt due to faulty securement.

Consider consulting with an experienced truck accident lawyer to determine who you may be able to sue for your injuries and losses.

Accidents involving dump trucks and garbage trucks are subject to liability.

When a lawyer investigates your accident, he or she must identify what caused the accident and who is liable for the resultant damages and losses. A lawyer will do all things to do by interviewing witnesses, reviewing the police report, looking at images from the accident site, gaining access to adjacent surveillance or traffic camera footage, and taking additional efforts to identify guilty parties.

Because trash and dump trucks are often owned and managed by a commercial trucking firm or a government organization, numerous parties may be held accountable, including:

The truck driver’s name. You may hold the trash or dump truck driver accountable for your injuries and damages if they were irresponsible and your accident happened due to their carelessness.

The company that employs the truck driver. You may hold a private corporation accountable for your accident if the driver of a dump or waste truck works for them.

The truck’s proprietor

You may hold the truck owner vicariously accountable for the crash if the driver is not the owner of the truck.

The firm in charge of maintenance

Suppose your accident was caused by a trash or waste truck that was not properly maintained. In that case, you might be able to file a claim against the corporation responsible for car maintenance.

A government organization

Government agencies own and operate a large number of trash and rubbish cars. You might file a claim against the responsible government body if you were injured in an accident involving a truck owned and operated by a city or municipality.

If the accident might have been avoided if the trash or dump truck driver and/or their employer had acted responsibly, you may be entitled to compensation by filing a claim against the responsible parties.

On the other hand, a wounded party may need the legal assistance of an expert attorney to identify all of the guilty parties in their specific case and hold them accountable for their injuries and losses.

After a garbage truck accident, what kind of compensation may you get?

Because each truck accident is different, estimating the value of your claim or the number of damages available in your case may be challenging. You may, however, receive a case review from an experienced attorney who can walk you through the many sorts of compensation available in your scenario.

Victims of trash and waste truck accidents often seek compensation for

Medical expenses. If you were injured due to someone else’s carelessness, that person might be liable for all of your medical bills, both past and future. Treatment charges, surgery costs, rehab and physical therapy costs, drug prices, and other medical expenditures may be included in medical bills.

The expense of fixing your car once it has been damaged. When a trash truck collides with a passenger car, the owner of the damaged car will almost certainly face considerable repair costs. The collision may cause your car to be totaled or rendered unrepairable.

Loss of earnings. A truck accident victim may be out of work for many weeks or months, and some may never be able to earn as much as they could before the accident. As a result, victims of dump and trash truck accidents may be eligible for compensation for missed income and reduced (or lost) earning capability.

You may also be able to claim:

Loss of enjoyment of life

Pain and suffering, depending on the severity of your injuries and the event’s effect on your life.

Emotional anguish

Loss of consortium


Disfigurement or disability

Punitive damages

Because each case is unique, speaking with an expert attorney can help you understand what sorts of damages are recoverable in your case and what compensation would properly and adequately compensate you for your losses after a trash truck accident.

Dump and Garbage Truck Accidents: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Are the Risks of Garbage and Dump Trucks?

Due to their size and lack of agility, Garbage and dump trucks may endanger both moving and stationary cars.

Garbage and garbage cars are hazardous because of the following factors:

Their huge blind spots

Their size and weight

Frequent pauses

Driving through tight streets

The chance of trash flying out of the truck

The possibility of rollover accidents when the car is carrying more than the permissible load limit

Thousands of accidents involving trash and dump trucks occur each year due to these and other dangers.

Is It Possible to Sue if a Garbage Truck Hits Your Car?

If you were injured when a trash or dump truck collided with your car, you might be eligible for compensation via an insurance claim or a lawsuit. The truck driver, the truck driver’s company, the city, and others may all be cited as defendants in your action.

You are obtaining compensation via a lawsuit, on the other hand, maybe a difficult, time-consuming, and expensive procedure. As a result, up to 96 per cent of all personal injury lawsuits are settled before going to trial.

Suppose you’re thinking about suing someone after a truck accident. In that case, talk to a lawyer about your compensation possibilities and whether suing the responsible parties is the best choice.

After a dump or garbage truck accident, how do you determine liability?

Determining guilt is never easy, particularly when accidents involving cars owned and managed by the city or a private corporation. In accidents involving dump and trash trucks, a thorough investigation may be required to identify all parties who might be held accountable.

After a garbage truck accident, how do you deal with insurance companies?

The majority of insurance companies urge clients to report accidents as quickly as feasible. After reporting your trash truck accident to your insurance company, continue with caution since the insurer may try to undervalue or reject your claim.

Stick to the facts while communicating with the insurance, and don’t provide a recorded statement until you’ve spoken with a lawyer. When negotiating with insurance companies, injured plaintiffs might benefit from receiving legal assistance from a lawyer to safeguard their rights and achieve a reasonable settlement amount in their case.

Is it Necessary to Hire an Attorney After a Dump or Garbage Truck Accident?

Denver Truck Accident Attorney Jeremy D. Earle, JD

Your case will be handled by a lawyer who will guarantee that you obtain the money you are entitled to. Your attorney will ensure that all parties responsible for the dump or trash truck accident are held accountable for their carelessness or other sorts of improper behavior that caused or contributed to the accident.

When you’re healing from a serious injury, gathering evidence, preparing and submitting papers, and addressing other areas of your legal claim might seem like a mammoth undertaking.

Make sure you devote all of your time and energy to your therapy so you can get back on your feet as soon as possible. Meanwhile, your lawyer will handle your case to ensure that your rights are protected and that you get the greatest compensation possible.

You don’t have to worry about the insurance claim or the legal procedure since you can hire a legal advocate to handle everything for you. For more information, contact a truck accident lawyer in Denver.

Warrior Car Accident Lawyers

1902 W. Colorado Ave., Suite 100

Colorado Springs, CO 80904


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